Warfare is generally understood to be the controlled and systematic waging of armed conflict between sovereign nations or states, using military might and strategy, until one opponent is defeated on the field or sues for peace in the face of inevitable destruction and greater loss of human life. The first recorded war in history is that between Sumer and Elam in Mesopotamia in 2700 BCE in which Sumer was victorious, and the first peace treaty ever signed ending hostilities between nations was between Ramesses II (the Great) of the Empire of Egypt and Hattusili III of the Hittite Empire in 1258 BCE.
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2400 BCEFirst use of war chariots in Mesopotamia.
c. 2240 BCENaram-Sin of Akkad campaigns against the Amorites in northern Syria.
2200 BCE - 1500 BCEThe Minoan Civilization flourishes on Crete, Greece. King Minos establishes the first navy in the region.
2193 BCEGutian invasion destroys Akkadian empire.
c. 1750 BCEElam conquers Ur.
1595 BCEHittites under Mursilli I sack Babylon, ending Amorite rule.
c. 1458 BCEKadesh and Megiddo lead a Canaanite alliance against the Egyptian invasion by Thutmose III.
c. 1457 BCEBattle of Megiddo: Thutmose III of Egypt defeats a coalition of Canaan, Kadesh, Mitanni, and Megiddo led by Durusha, king of Kadesh.
1307 BCE - 1275 BCEReign of Assyrian King Adad Nirari I, Mitanni becomes vassal state.
1258 BCEThe Treaty of Kadesh between Egyptians and Hittites. The world's first peace treaty.
c. 1250 BCETrojan War, according to Herodotus.
c. 1200 BCESea Peoples invade the Levant.
c. 1187 BCEKadesh is destroyed by the Sea Peoples and subsequently vanishes from history.
1178 BCERamesses III defends Egypt from the Sea Peoples on the shores at Xois, defeating them completely.
1115 BCE - 1076 BCEReign of Tiglath-Pileser I of Assyria who conquers Phoenicia and revitalizes the empire.
722 BCEIsrael is conquered by Assyria.
c. 700 BCEIron Age begins in Scotland.
671 BCESecond Egyptian Campaign, Assyrian army successfully captures Memphis and conquers Egypt.
671 BCEEgypt is conquered by Assyria.
667 BCE - 665 BCEAshurbanipal wages war in Egypt to put down rebellions.
653 BCEEgypt expels Assyrians.
c. 650 BCE - c. 350 BCEHoplites are the major protagonists in Greek land warfare.
648 BCEWar between Assyria and the Elamites.
586 BCE - 572 BCENebuchadnezzar II of Babylon besieges Tyre, unsuccessfully.
28 May 585 BCEA battle between Media and Lydia broke off immediately as a result of a total eclipse of the sun and the two armies made peace. The eclipse was successfully predicted by Thales of Miletus.
580 BCE - 376 BCECarthage and Greece fight for dominance in Sicily.
535 BCEBattle of Alalia. Carthaginian navy, in alliance with Etruscans, defeated Greek ships off the island of Corsica.
525 BCE - 404 BCEPersia conquers Egypt.
525 BCECambyses II of Persia takes the city of Pelusium, conquers Egypt.
512 BCE - 506 BCEThe Wu Chu wars in China between the States of Wu and Chu.
506 BCEThe Battle of Boju at which the Wu forces under Sun-Tzu defeated the Chu.
498 BCE - 493 BCERome defeats the Latins.
11 Sep 490 BCEA combined force of Greek hoplites defeat the Persians at Marathon.
485 BCEBabylon is destroyed by Xerxes, King of Persia.
c. 481 BCE - 221 BCEThe Warring States Period in China, suggested time-period for composition of The Art of War.
Aug 480 BCEThe indecisive battle of Artemision between the Greek and Persian fleets of Xerxes I. The Greeks withdraw to Salamis.
Aug 480 BCEBattle of Thermopylae. 300 Spartans under King Leonidas and other Greek allies hold back the Persians led by Xerxes I for three days but are defeated.
Sep 480 BCEBattle of Salamis where the Greek naval fleet led by Themistocles defeats the invading armada of Xerxes I of Persia.
479 BCEXerxes' Persian forces are defeated by Greek forces at Plataea effectively ending Persia's imperial ambitions in Greece.
c. 475 BCECelts defeat the Etruscans at the Ticino River.
460 BCE - 445 BCEFirst Peloponnesian War.
448 BCEPericles leads the Athenian forces in the Battle of Delphi.
431 BCE - 404 BCEThe 2nd Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta (the Delian League and the Peloponnesian League) which involved all of Greece.
c. 430 BCE - 415 BCEThe Histories of Herodotus is published. The work is divided into nine chapters, each dedicated to one of the Muses.
425 BCEPylos campaign, under Cleon and Demosthenes' command Athens defeats Sparta at Pylos.
413 BCEThe Athenian expedition in Sicily ends in disastrous defeat and the Athenian generals Nicias and Demosthenes are executed.
410 BCEAlcibiades leads the Athenian fleet to victory over Sparta at Cyzicus.
c. 407 BCEThe Athenian fleet is defeated by Lysander of Sparta at Notium.
404 BCEEnd of the Peloponnesian war, Athens defeated By Sparta at Aigospotamoi, Rule of the Thirty Tyrants in Athens.
396 BCECelts defeat an Etruscan army at the battle of Melpum. Afterwards the Celts heavily settle all over the Po Valley.
396 BCERoman expansion begins with the capture of Veii from the Etruscans.
395 BCE - 386 BCEThe Corinthian Wars between Sparta and an alliance of Athens, Corinth, Argos, Boeotia and Thebes.
c. 390 BCE"Gallic Catastrophe:" Brennus of the Senones defeats the Romans at Allia, and subsequently sacks Rome.
343 BCE - 341 BCEFirst Samnite War (Rome vs. Samnites).
342 BCEPhilip II leads a military expedition against the Scythians.
338 BCEThe first battle of Chaeronea. Philip II of Macedon defeats the Greek alliance directed against him, led by Athens and Thebes.
334 BCE - 323 BCEPeriod of the conquests of Alexander the Great.
5 Nov 333 BCEBattle of Issus. Alexander the Great is victorious against Darius III of Persia.
May 330 BCEPersepolis is burned and looted by Alexander the Great.
326 BCE - 304 BCESecond Samnite War.
323 BCEDeath of Alexander the Great.
300 BCESarmatians conquer the Scythians.
298 BCE - 290 BCEThird Samnite War. Victory for Rome, peace with the Etruscans.
297 BCECelts and Samnites join forces and defeat the Romans at Camertium.
c. 295 BCEIn a battle lasting all day, Romans narrowly defeat a force of Celts and Samnites at Sentinum.
285 BCE - 282 BCERome defeats the Celts in Italy. Rome's dominance in central Italy is secured.
284 BCEGauls of the Insubres and Boii tribes defeat the Romans at Arretium.
283 BCERome decisively defeats the Senones at Picenum.
280 BCE - 272 BCERoman war against Tarentum. Rome conquers Tarentum. Rome's dominance in lower Italy is secured.
264 BCE - 241 BCEFirst Punic War. Carthage cedes Sicily to Rome.
c. 250 BCE - c. 200 CEOriginally a Celtiberian weapon, the Gladius Hispaniensis was commonly used by Roman soldiers for more than four centuries.
229 BCE - 228 BCERome fights Illyrian pirates. Queen Teuta pays tribute to Rome.
222 BCERome conquers Cisalpine Gaul (modern-day Provence, France).
c. 220 BCEGortyn allies with Knossos to defeat Lyttos on Crete.
Aug 216 BCEHannibal wins the battle of Cannae, the worst defeat in Roman history.
214 BCE - 205 BCEFirst Macedonian War: Rome defeats Philip V of Macedon.
206 BCEChinese Qin empire collapses following the death of emperor Shi Huangti. Civil War begins.
204 BCEScipio Africanus sails to North Africa in the Second Punic War.
202 BCEThe Battle of Gaixia in which the Han forces defeat the Chu.
200 BCE - 196 BCESecond Macedonian War: Roman victory.
c. 200 BCEBeginning of the Greco-Bactrian conquests in India.
193 BCEThe Boii are defeated by the Romans, suffering, according to Livy, 14,000 dead.
190 BCEBattle of Magnesia ad Sipylum, disastrous defeat for Antiochos III against Romans.
172 BCE - 168 BCEThird Macedonian War: Perseus of Macedon challenges Rome and is defeated.
168 BCERome defeats Macedon at Battle of Pydna.
149 BCE - 146 BCEThird Punic War.
146 BCEEnd of the Third Punic War. Carthage is destroyed and its lands become the Roman province Africa.
133 BCERome captures Numantia. End of Iberian resistance.
129 BCEParthians conquer Mesopotamia. The Silk Road to China is now controlled by the Parthians.
113 BCERomans defeated at Noreia by the Cimbri.
88 BCE - 63 BCEMithridates of Pontus fights three wars to free Greece from Rome.
86 BCEThe Roman general Sulla sacks Athens and the port of Piraeus.
63 BCEThe Roman general Pompey defeats the Seleucid Antiochus XIII and incorporates Syria as a province of the Roman empire.
58 BCE - 51 BCEJulius Caesar's conquest of Gaul.
58 BCECaesar attacks the Helvetii while on migration and defeats them.
57 BCEA Roman army under Caesar narrowly defeats an army of Nervii, Atrebates, and Viromandui.
56 BCEThe navies of Rome and the Veneti Gauls clash resulting in a Roman victory. This is the first recorded naval battle in the Atlantic Ocean.
55 BCE - 54 BCEJulius Caesar's expeditions in Britain.
52 BCEJulius Caesar is defeated at Gergovia by Vercingetorix.
52 BCEAfter becoming trapped and besieged at Alesia, Vercingetorix surrenders to Caesar.
27 BCE - 19 BCECantabrian Wars: Roman conquest of the Iberian Penninsula.
9 CEThe Rhine River is established as the boundary between the Latin and German speaking worlds, following the defeat of the Roman army, under the command of Varus, at the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest.
43 CE - 47 CERomans conquer South Britain and claim the territory as part of Roman Empire.
43 CEClaudius commences the Roman conquest of Britain.
60 CE - 61 CEBoudicca's Revolt in Britain.
75 CE - 77 CERomans defeat the last of the Northern tribes; Roman conquest of Britain complete.
83 CEThe Battle of Mons Graupius in which Agricola defeats Calgacus of the Picts.
101 CE - 106 CETrajan conquers Dacia.
167 CE - 180 CEMarcomannic Wars.
192 CEEmperor Commodus is murdered, civil war ensues (until 197 CE).
195 CEFirst Parthian war.
197 CE - 198 CESecond Parthian war.
367 CEPicts, Scots, Saxons, and Franks attack the Roman Empire.
408 CEAlaric I the Visigoth besieges Rome. As ransom, Rome pays 5,000 pounds of gold, 30,000 pounds of silver, 4,000 silken tunics, 3,000 hides dyed scarlet, and 3,000 pounds of pepper.
455 CEVandals sack Rome.
486 CEClovis I of the Franks defeats the Romans in Gaul. Founding of the Frankish kingdom.
488 CE - 493 CETheodoric the Great of the Ostrogoths conquers Italy.
507 CEClovis defeats the Visigoths and drives them into the Iberian peninsula.
534 CEJustinian of the Byzantine Empire conquers the Vandal kingdom in Africa.
536 CE - 562 CEThe Byzantine Empire conquers Italy.
554 CEByzantine Empire conquers southern Iberia.
607 CE - 627 CEEast Rome defeats Sasanian Persia.
646 CEThe Arab Muslims conquer Egypt under Caliph Umar.
712 CEMuslim general Muhammed bin Quasim conquers northern India.
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