Renaissance Art


The art of the Renaissance period in Europe (1400-1600 CE) includes some of the most recognisable and best-loved paintings and sculptures in the world. Masters were often skilled in both painting and sculpture, and by studying the art of antiquity and adding their theoretical knowledge of mathematical perspective and new painting techniques, they produced truly unique works of art. Realism, detail, drama, and subtle layers of meaning became features of religious and secular art. Now, artists finally broke free from their old craftworker status and achieved a new position as vital contributors to the culture and prestige of the societies in which they lived.

More about: Renaissance Art


  • 1376 - 1455
    Life of the Italian Renaissance artist Lorenzo Ghiberti.
  • 1377 - 1446
    Life of the Italian Renaissance architect and sculptor Filippo Brunelleschi.
  • c. 1390 - 1441
    The life of the Netherlandish Renaissance artist Jan van Eyck.
  • 1397 - 1475
    Life of the Italian Renaissance artist Paolo Uccello.
  • c. 1415
    The Italian Renaissance artist Donatello completes his sculpture of Saint George for the Orsanmichele in Florence.
  • 1420 - 1450
    The Italian Renaissance artist Donatello sculpts his bronze David in Florence.
  • c. 1420 - 1492
    Life of the Italian Renaissance artist Piero della Francesca.
  • 1425 - 1452
    The Italian Renaissance sculptor Lorenzo Ghiberti works on his second set of doors, the 'Gates of Paradise', for the Baptistery of Florence's Cathedral.
  • c. 1430 - 1516
    Life of the Italian Renaissance artist Giovanni Bellini.
  • 1432
    The Ghent Altarpiece is completed by the Netherlandish Renaissance artists Jan van Eyck and Hubert van Eyck.
  • 1435
    The Italian Renaissance architect Leon Battista Alberti writes his treatise De pictura (On Painting).
  • 1436
    The Italian Renaissance artist Paolo Uccello completes his equestrian fresco of Sir John Hawkwood.
  • 1446 - 1453
    The Italian Renaissance artist Donatello creates his bronze panels for the high altar of the Basilica Sant’ Antonio in Padua.
  • c. 1450 - 1523
    Life of the Italian Renaissance artist Pietro Perugino.
  • c. 1450
    The Italian Renaissance sculptor Lorenzo Ghiberti writes his Commentaries, a mix of art history and autobiography.
  • 1452 - 1465
    The Italian Renaissance artist Piero della Francesca produces his cycle of frescoes on the Legend of the True Cross for the San Francesco church, Arezzo.
  • c. 1453
    The Italian Renaissance artist Donatello completes his equestrian statue of Erasmo da Narni, the Gattamelata (‘honeycat’) in Padua.
  • c. 1455
    The Italian Renaissance artist Piero della Francesca produces his painted panel the Flagellation of Christ.
  • c. 1456
    The Italian Renaissance artist Donatello sculpts his wooden statue of a penitent Mary Magdalene.
  • 1464
    The Italian Renaissance architect Leon Battista Alberti writes his treatise on sculpture.
  • 1465 - 1474
    The Italian Renaissance artist Andrea Mantegna works on his fresco cycles in the Palazzo Ducale of Mantua.
  • c. 1465
    The Italian Renaissance artist Piero della Francesca produces his fresco the Resurrection of Christ.
  • c. 1470
    The Italian Renaissance artist Piero della Francesca produces his portrait of the Duke of Urbino, Federico da Montefeltro.
  • 1471 - 1528
    Life of the German Renaissance artist Albrecht Dürer.
  • c. 1474
    The Italian Renaissance artist Piero della Francesca writes his treatise On Perspective in Painting.
  • 1475 - 1564
    Life of the Italian Renaissance artist Michelangelo.
  • 1480 - 1484
    The Italian Renaissance artist Sandro Botticelli produces his painting the Birth of Venus.
  • c. 1480
    The Italian Renaissance artist Giovanni Bellini completes his Ecstasy of Saint Francis painting.
  • c. 1482
    The Italian Renaissance artist Sandro Botticelli produces his Primavera painting.
  • c. 1487 - 1576
    Life of the Italian Renaissance artist Titian.
  • 1490 - 1492
    The Italian Renaissance artist Sandro Botticelli produces his Lamentation over the Dead Christ painting.
  • c. 1492
    Leonardo da Vinci completes his 'Vitruvian Man' sketch.
  • 1497 - 1500
    The Italian Renaissance artist Michelangelo works on his masterpiece the Pieta.
  • c. 1497 - 1543
    Life of the German Renaissance painter Hans Holbein the Younger.
  • c. 1498
    Leonardo da Vinci completes his wall mural 'The Last Supper' in Milan's Sante Maria delle Grazie.
  • c. 1500
    The Italian Renaissance artist Sandro Botticelli produces his Mystic Nativity painting.
  • c. 1500
    The Italian Renaissance artist Giovanni Bellini completes his portrait of Doge Leonardo Loredan.
  • c. 1503 - c. 1506
    Leonardo da Vinci completes his painting the 'Mona Lisa'.
  • 1504
    The German Renaissance artist Albrecht Dürer creates his Adam and Eve print.
  • 1504
    The Italian Renaissance artist Michelangelo completes his masterpiece the statue of David.
  • c. 1504
    The Italian Renaissance artist Raphael completes his The Marriage of the Virgin.
  • c. 1505
    The Italian Renaissance artist Giovanni Bellini completes his altarpiece for the San Zaccaria church in Venice.
  • 1507
    The Italian Renaissance artist Raphael completes his painting The Entombment of Christ (aka The Deposition).
  • 1508 - 1512
    The Italian Renaissance artist Michelangelo works on his painting of the Sistine Chapel ceiling in Rome.
  • 1511
    The Italian Renaissance artist Raphael completes his frescoes in the Stanze della Segnatura of the Vatican which include The School of Athens.
  • c. 1518 - 1594
    Life of the Italian Renaissance painter Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti).
  • c. 1520
    The Italian Renaissance artist Michelangelo completes his masterpiece statue of Moses for the tomb of Pope Julius II.
  • c. 1525
    The German Renaissance painter Hans Holbein the Younger creates his 41-print series the Dance of Death.
  • 1536
    The German Renaissance painter Hans Holbein the Younger becomes the court painter of Henry VIII of England.
  • 1545 - 1554
    The Italian Renaissance artist Benvenuto Cellini works on his bronze sculpture of Perseus and Medusa.
  • 1548
    The Italian Renaissance artist Tintoretto produces his celebrated Miracle of Saint Mark Rescuing a Slave painting.
  • 1564 - 1481
    The Italian Renaissance artist Tintoretto works on his cycle of paintings for Venice’s Scuola Grande di San Rocco.
  • c. 1570
    The Italian Renaissance artist Tintoretto porduces his Saint George and the Dragon painting.