Search Results: United states house of representatives


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Map of Southern Song & Jin States
Image by Yu Ninjie

Map of Southern Song & Jin States

A map indicating the territory of the Southern Song Dynasty, 1125-1279 CE and the Jurchen Jin state (1115-1234 CE).
Family Tree of the Royal House of Stuart 1603-1714
Image by Simeon Netchev

Family Tree of the Royal House of Stuart 1603-1714

An image illustrating the family tree of the Stuarts (sometimes spelled Stewart or Steuart) a ruling dynasty of Scotland from 1371 and of England from 1603, from a personal union of crowns in the United Kingdom until the establishment of...
Canyon de Chelly
Definition by James Blake Wiener

Canyon de Chelly

Canyon de Chelly or Canyon de Chelly National Monument is a protected site that contains the remains of 5,000 years of Native American inhabitation. Canyon de Chelly is located in the northeastern portion of the US state of Arizona within...
Declaration of Independence
Article by Harrison W. Mark

Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence is the foundational document of the United States of America. Written primarily by Thomas Jefferson, it explains why the Thirteen Colonies decided to separate from Great Britain during the American Revolution...
Red Cloud
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Red Cloud

Red Cloud (Makhpiya-luta, l. 1822-1909) was an Oglala Lakota Sioux chief, statesman, and military strategist who became the only Native American leader of the Plains Indians to win a war against the United States. Red Cloud's War (1866-1868...
Plains Indians
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Plains Indians

The Plains Indians (also known as Native Americans of the Plains and Prairie, Indigenous Peoples of the Great Plains) are the original inhabitants of the western plains of North America, now part of the United States and Canada. They are...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


The Puritans were English Protestant Christians, primarily active in the 16th-18th centuries CE, who claimed the Anglican Church had not distanced itself sufficiently from Catholicism and sought to 'purify' it of Catholic practices. The term...
Comparison of the Greek City-States: Athens vs Sparta
Video by Ancient History Encyclopedia

Comparison of the Greek City-States: Athens vs Sparta

Athens vs Sparta! Learn all about the similarities and differences of the Greek City-States, Athens and Sparta! This short comparison with Kelly Macquire discusses the important differences between Athens and Sparta during the height of their...
Hymn to Nungal
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Hymn to Nungal

The Hymn to Nungal (c. 2000-1600 BCE) is a Sumerian poem praising Nungal, the goddess of prisons and rehabilitation (also associated with the underworld), as well as the prison house she presided over. The piece, also known as Nungal A, was...
The Causes of WWII
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Causes of WWII

The origins of the Second World War (1939-45) may be traced back to the harsh peace settlement of the First World War (1914-18) and the economic crisis of the 1930s, while more immediate causes were the aggressive invasions of their neighbours...