Legio X Fretensis was a legion of the Roman army formed by either Julius Caesar or Augustus. The legion spent most of its existence in the East, primarily in Judea. It participated in Corbulo’s two Armenian campaigns as well as Vespasian and Titus’ battle against the Great Jewish Revolt of 66 CE, besieging both Jerusalem and Masada.
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48 BCECaesar defeats Pompey (Battle of Pharsalus); Pompey flees to Egypt and is killed by courtiers of Ptolemy XIII.
45 BCEBattle of Munda.
54 CE - 60 CERoman general Corbulo successfully campaigns in Armenia.
58 CEThe Roman general Corbulo captures the Armenian capital Artashat without a fight.
66 CE - 73 CEThe Jewish Revolt against Rome.
70 CEThe city of Jerusalem is besieged and captured by Rome; the Second Temple destroyed.
73 CESiege of Masada.
132 CE - 136 CEThe Bar-Kochba Revolt.