The Later Three Kingdoms period (889-935 CE) of ancient Korea saw a partial revival of the old three kingdoms which had dominated the peninsula from the 1st century BCE to the 7th century CE. After the Unified Silla kingdom had ruled Korea alone from 668 CE, it slowly began to decline and the power vacuum this created led to several rebellious states rising up and taking on the old historical names of Korea's ancient kingdoms. A messy period of alliances and in-fighting followed, but one state would once again establish a dominant position – Goryeo, itself named in homage to the earlier northern Goguryeo kingdom – and form a unified Korean state and a dynasty which would last for over 500 years.
More about: Later Three Kingdoms PeriodDefinition
668 - 935Unified Silla Kingdom in Korea.
889 - 935The Later Three Kingdoms period in Korea.
900Gyeon Hwon (Kyon Hwon) declares a new kingdom of Baekje in Korea.
901Gung Ye (Kungye) declares a new state in northern Korea known as Later Goguryeo (Hugoguryo).
918 - 943Reign of Goryeo founder King Taejo (formerly Wang Geon).
918Wang Geon (Wang Kon) replaces Gung Ye (Kungye) as leader of Later Goguryeo.
927Rebel leader Gyeon Hwon attacks Gyeongju, capital of the Unified Silla Kingdom.
934Wang Geon wins an overwhelming victory over Later Baekje at Unju (Hongsong).
935The last Silla king, Gyeongsun, surrenders to Wang Geon ruler of Goryeo.