'The Hellenic World' is a term which refers to that period of ancient Greek history between 507 BCE (the date of the first democracy in Athens) and 323 BCE (the death of Alexander the Great). This period is also referred to as the age of Classical Greece.
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11 Sep 490 BCEA combined force of Greek hoplites defeat the Persians at Marathon.
c. 483 BCEThemistocles persuades the Athenians to significantly expand their fleet, which saves them at Salamis and becomes their source of power.
Aug 480 BCEThe indecisive battle of Artemision between the Greek and Persian fleets of Xerxes I. The Greeks withdraw to Salamis.
Aug 480 BCEBattle of Thermopylae. 300 Spartans under King Leonidas and other Greek allies hold back the Persians led by Xerxes I for three days but are defeated.
Sep 480 BCEBattle of Salamis where the Greek naval fleet led by Themistocles defeats the invading armada of Xerxes I of Persia.
479 BCEXerxes' Persian forces are defeated by Greek forces at Plataea effectively ending Persia's imperial ambitions in Greece.
c. 469 BCE - 399 BCELife of Socrates.
c. 449 BCEPeace is agreed on by Athens and Persia, sometimes referred to as the Peace of Callias.
447 BCE - 432 BCEThe construction of the Parthenon in Athens by the architects Iktinos and Kallikrates under the direction of Phidias.
c. 445 BCELeucippus of Abdera, the philosopher, is said to have conceived of the atomic universe. His pupil is Democritus.
440 BCEThe sophist Protagoras of Abdera, claiming 'man is the measure of all things', visits Athens.
431 BCE - 404 BCEThe 2nd Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta (the Delian League and the Peloponnesian League) which involved all of Greece.
431 BCEThe playwright Euripides publishes his Medea.
430 BCEThe plague decimates Athens.
429 BCEThe death of Pericles from the plague.
c. 424 BCE - 423 BCEPlato is born at Athens, Greece.
404 BCEEnd of the Peloponnesian war, Athens defeated By Sparta at Aigospotamoi, Rule of the Thirty Tyrants in Athens.
403 BCERestoration of the democracy in Athens, death of the tyrant Critias.
401 BCERetreat from Persia of Xenophon and the ten thousand mercenaries.
399 BCETrial and death of the philosopher Socrates, who taught in the court of the Agora.
384 BCEBirth of the philosopher Aristotle, tutor to Alexander the Great, in Stagira (Greece).
380 BCEPlato founds his Academy outside of Athens.
21 Jul 356 BCE - 11 Jun 323 BCELife of Alexander the Great.
2 Aug 338 BCEThe Battle of Charonea gives Athens to the Macedonian victors. Agora takes on Macedonian characteristics.
336 BCE - 323 BCEReign of Alexander the Great.
334 BCE - 323 BCECampaigns of Alexander the Great.
330 BCE - 64 BCEHellenistic Period in Byblos.
323 BCEDeath of Alexander the Great, beginning of The Hellenistic Period / The Hellenistic World.