The English Civil Wars (1642-1651) witnessed a bitter conflict between Royalists ('Cavaliers') and Parliamentarians ('Roundheads'). The Royalists supported first King Charles I of England (r. 1625-1649) and then his son Charles II, while the Parliamentarians, the ultimate victors, wanted to diminish the constitutional powers of the monarchy and prevent what they considered a Catholic-inspired plot to reverse the English Reformation.
More about: English Civil WarsDefinition
1640The Short and Long Parliaments debate funds for an army for Charles I of England.
23 Nov 1641Parliament passes the Grand Remonstrance critcising the rule of Charles I of England.
1 Dec 1641Parliament's Grand Remonstrance is formally presented to Charles I of England.
1642 - 1651The English Civil Wars between Parliamentarians ('Roundheads') and Royalists ('Cavaliers').
Aug 1642 - 1646The First English Civil War.
23 Oct 1642The Royalists defeat the Parliamentarians at the Battle of Edgehill in Warwickshire during the English Civil Wars.
Aug 1643Edward Montagu, Earl of Manchester takes command of the Eastern Association Army during the English Civil Wars.
Feb 1644Edward Montagu, Earl of Manchester is a member of the Committee of Both Kingdoms, effectively Parliament's war cabinet during the English Civil Wars.
2 Jul 1644The Parliamentarians, with the help of Scottish troops, defeat the Royalists at the Battle of Marston Moor during the English Civil Wars.
27 Oct 1644The indecisive Second Battle of Newbury during the English Civil Wars.
4 Feb 1645The English Parliament motions to form a new professional fighting force, the New Model Army.
21 Feb 1645Sir Thomas Fairfax is appointed the commander of the New Model Army during the English Civil Wars.
Apr 1645The Self-Denying Ordinance forbids any member of Parliament from also being a military commander in the New Model Army.
14 Jun 1645The Parliamentarians led by Sir Thomas Fairfax defeat the Royalists at the Battle of Naseby during the English Civil Wars.
Jul 1645The Parliamentarians led by Sir Thomas Fairfax defeat a Royalist army led by Lord Goring near Langport in Somerset.
11 Sep 1645The Parliamentarians led by Sir Thomas Fairfax beseige and capture Bristol after the surrender by Prince Rupert.
Jan 1647The Scots hand over Charles I of England to the English.
Nov 1647Charles I of England escapes from his capitivity and stays on the Isle of Wight.
Feb 1648 - Aug 1648The Second English Civil War when a Scottish army attempts and fails to restore Charles I of England.
Jun 1648At the Battle of Maidstone, Sir Thomas Fairfax leads the Parliamentairans to victory against a Royalist army led by the Earl of Norwich.
17 Aug 1648 - 20 Aug 1648A Parliamentarian army led by Oliver Cromwell defeats an Anglo-Scottish Royalist army at the Battle of Preston.
28 Aug 1648Sir Thomas Fairfax leads the Parliamentarian siege which captures Colchester.
Dec 1648The New Model Army marches on Parliament to apprehend Presbyterian MPs and receive the arrears in their pay.
Dec 1648The creation of the 'Rump Parliament' sees the number of MPs reduced to just 150 members.
1 Dec 1648A group of Parliamentarian officers captures Charles I of England on the Isle of Wight.
20 Jan 1649Charles I of England is put on trial by Parliament and found guilty of treason.
30 Jan 1649Execution of Charles I of England. The monarchy is abolished.
Feb 1649Charles, son of Charles I of England, becomes Charles II of Scotland.
1650Oliver Cromwell leads the New Model Army to ruthlessly quash a major rebellion in Ireland.
1650Sir Thomas Fairfax resigns as commander of the Parliamentarian New Model Army, refusing to lead them against Scotland.
3 Sep 1650Oliver Cromwell leads the New Model Army to victory against a Socttish army at Dunbar.
Sep 1651Charles II of Scotland flees England after defeat at the Battle of Worcester.
3 Sep 1651Oliver Cromwell leads the New Model Army to victory against an invading Scottish army at Worcester.
20 Apr 1653Oliver Cromwell dissolves the 'Rump Parliament'.
16 Dec 1653The 'Barebones Parliament' appoints Oliver Cromwell the Lord Protector of England, Scotland and Ireland.
Jan 1657A Leveller plot to assassinate Oliver Cromwell is discovered.