Ardashir I (l. c. 180-241 CE, r. 224-240 CE) was the founder of the Persian Sassanian Empire (224-651 CE) and father of the great Sassanian king Shapur I (r. 240-270 CE). He is also known as Ardashir I Babakan, Ardeshir I, Ardashir the Unifier, and Ardashir Papakan.
More about: Ardashir IDefinition
c. 180 CE - 241 CELife of Ardashir I, founder of the Sassanian Empire.
c. 187 CEArdashir I, then age 7, is sent by his father to learn military and administrative skills at Fort Darabgerd.
c. 200 CEArdashir I has succeeded the commander of Fort Darabgerd; accomplished in military and administrative skills.
200 CEArdashir I participates in the rebellion to unseat the satrap of Persis Guchehr; Ardashir's father assumes the throne of the region.
208 CEArdashir I's older brother Shapur killed in an accident; Ardashir proclaims himself king of Persis.
c. 211 CEArdashir, king (malakh) of Persis, revolts against the Parthians and founds the Sasanian Empire.
224 CEArdashir I defeats Artabans IV at the Battle of Hormozdgan; Parthian Empire falls and Ardashir founds Sassanian Empire.
224 CE - 227 CEArdashir I consolidates his power and establishes the Sassanian Empire.
224 CE - 227 CEProbable dates for the coronation of Ardashir I as king of the Sassanian Empire.
224 CE - 240 CEReign of Ardashir I, who reformed the Persia by centralizing power, making Zoroastrianism state religion, and rivalling Rome.
229 CEArdashir I and Shapur I drive the Romans from Mesopotamia and Syria.
229 CE - 233 CEArdashir I's war with Rome; Romans under Alexander Severus are defeated.
c. 235 CE - c. 237 CEArdashir I passes throne to his son Shapur I.
240 CEShapur I becomes king of the Sassanian Empire; Ardashir I advises until his death in c. 241 CE.