Search Results: Military history


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Mikhail Kutuzov & the Russian Military Enlightenment
Article by Alexander Mikaberidze / Oxford University Press

Mikhail Kutuzov & the Russian Military Enlightenment

The Military Enlightenment of the 18th century was a concerted effort across Europe to engage with the science of war. Embracing rationalism and professionalism, especially in military education, statesmen, philosophers, and educators explored...
15 Military Leaders of the American Revolution
Collection by Harrison W. Mark

15 Military Leaders of the American Revolution

The American Revolutionary War (1775-1783) was intially a rebellion carried out by the Thirteen Colonies of British America against Great Britain, sparked by the issue of taxation without representation. It soon blossomed into a War of Independence...
Great Military Commanders from Antiquity
Collection by Mark Cartwright

Great Military Commanders from Antiquity

In antiquity, certain military commanders were so formidable on the battlefield that they were responsible for the rise and fall of civilizations. Epaminondas saw off mighty Sparta and almost single-handedly gave Greek Thebes its one and...
MILITARY HISTORY : Roman and Barbarian Weapons
Video by Military History 2015

MILITARY HISTORY : Roman and Barbarian Weapons

Uploaded by MILITARY HISTORY 2015. A look at the Military History of the Romans and Barbarians Weapons. This show demonstrates the technologies and tactics used by conquering armies over the centuries. In Roman Weapons, the show uses detailed...
Roman Military Hospital, Novae
Image by Janusz Recław

Roman Military Hospital, Novae

The Roman military hospital (or Valetudinarium) in Novae, Bulgaria. Novae was the site of an important Roman fortress along the Danubian border. Like other major Roman fortresses along the borders of the Roman Empire, this fort had its own...
Roman military amphitheatre
Image by Carole Raddato

Roman military amphitheatre

The military amphitheatre of Burnum Legionary Camp in Dalmatia (modern-day Croatia). It was completed in 76-77 CE under Vespasian. The legionary camp was erected at the turn of the new era at a strategically important position from which...
Total War History: Triplex Acies (Roman Military Tactics)
Video by THFE Productions

Total War History: Triplex Acies (Roman Military Tactics)

The Triplex Acies was the triple battle line employed by roman legions. This formation was the key to Roman military success! It allowed legions to traverse rough terrain while maintaining cohesion and provided a system for reinforcement...
Roman Military Diploma
Image by Metropolitan Museum of Art

Roman Military Diploma

Bronze military diploma of an infantryman named Dasmenus Azalus, who served in the auxiliary units of the Roman army. Issued c. 149 CE. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
Bronze Roman Military Diploma
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Bronze Roman Military Diploma

This official military discharge comprising 2 inscribed bronze plates was a copy of a master held in Rome. It was issued by the Emperor Trajan to Reburrus, a Spanish junior officer (decurion) in the 1st Pannonian cavalry regoiment. The certificate...
Assyrian Military Campaign in Southern Iraq
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Assyrian Military Campaign in Southern Iraq

This wall panel was part of large alabaster wall relief. The whole scene includes a central band of river, the Tigris or Euphrates, that separates two otherwise independent compositions in which the Assyrians attack on a small island and...