Search Results: English Reformation


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International Monument to the Reformation (Reformation Wall)
Image by MHM55

International Monument to the Reformation (Reformation Wall)

The International Monument to the Reformation (Reformation Wall), Geneva, Switzerland. The monument honors the leading figures of Calvinism and was unveiled in 1909 on the 400th anniversary of the birth of John Calvin (l. 1509-1564). Reformer...
The Six Wives of Henry VIII
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Six Wives of Henry VIII

In his search to secure the continuation of the Tudor line, Henry VIII of England (r. 1509-1547 CE) married an incredible six times. Some marriages were the result of passion while others were arranged for political reasons. One divorce caused...
Reformation in the Netherlands & the Eighty Years' War
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Reformation in the Netherlands & the Eighty Years' War

The Protestant Reformation in the Netherlands was among the most violent and destructive of any region during the first 50 years of the movement, ultimately informing the Eighty Years' War (1568-1648), but causing massive destruction and...
Anne Boleyn
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Anne Boleyn

Anne Boleyn (c. 1501-1536) was the second wife of Henry VIII of England (r. 1509-1547). Anne, sometimes known as 'Anne of a Thousand Days' in reference to her short reign as queen, was accused of adultery and executed in the Tower of London...
Middle and Southern English Colonies
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Middle and Southern English Colonies

The establishment of the Middle and Southern English Colonies of North America was encouraged by the earlier English settlements of Jamestown Colony of Virginia in the south (founded 1607) and Plymouth Colony and, especially, Massachusetts...
Thomas Wolsey
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Thomas Wolsey

Thomas Wolsey, Cardinal Archbishop of York (l. c. 1473-1530 CE) served as Lord Chancellor to Henry VIII of England (r. 1509-1547 CE) from around 1513 CE to 1529 CE. Wolsey rose to become the most powerful man in England after the king, he...
Women of the Protestant Reformation
Collection by Joshua J. Mark

Women of the Protestant Reformation

The contributions of women to the Protestant Reformation (1517-1648) were frequently marginalized in the past but have gained wider recognition in the present era. Many women played important roles in spreading the new vision of Christianity...
English Civil Wars
Definition by Mark Cartwright

English Civil Wars

The English Civil Wars (1642-1651) witnessed a bitter conflict between Royalists ('Cavaliers') and Parliamentarians ('Roundheads'). The Royalists supported first King Charles I of England (r. 1625-1649) and then his son Charles II, while...
Wyatt Rebellion
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Wyatt Rebellion

The Wyatt Rebellion of January-February 1554 CE saw Sir Thomas Wyatt the Younger lead a group of several thousand Kent rebels in a march on London with the primary aim of preventing Mary I of England (r. 1553-1558 CE) from marrying Spain's...
Pilgrimage of Grace
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Pilgrimage of Grace

The Pilgrimage of Grace is the collective name for a series of rebellions in northern England, first in Lincolnshire and then in Yorkshire and elsewhere between October and December 1536 CE. Nobles, clergy, monks, and commoners united to...