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Pizan's The Status of Women & the Reformation
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Pizan's The Status of Women & the Reformation

The Book of the City of the Ladies (1405) by Christine de Pizan (l. 1364 - c. 1430) is considered by many scholars to be the first work of feminist literature, predating A Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792) by Mary Wollstonecraft by...
Reformation in the Netherlands & the Eighty Years' War
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Reformation in the Netherlands & the Eighty Years' War

The Protestant Reformation in the Netherlands was among the most violent and destructive of any region during the first 50 years of the movement, ultimately informing the Eighty Years' War (1568-1648), but causing massive destruction and...
Kappel Wars
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Kappel Wars

The Kappel Wars (also known as the Wars of Kappel) were armed conflicts between Protestants and Catholics in Switzerland during the Swiss Reformation. The First Kappel War ended before it began in 1529, while the second, in 1531, concluded...
John Knox
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

John Knox

John Knox (l. c. 1514-1572) was a Scottish theologian and reformer famous for his work in advancing the Protestant Reformation in Scotland, his contentious relationship with Mary, Queen of Scots (l. 1542-1587), and establishing the Presbyterian...
Argula von Grumbach
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Argula von Grumbach

Argula von Grumbach (née von Stauff, l. 1490 to c. 1564) was a Bavarian theologian, writer, and reformer, who became a controversial figure after her 1523 letter To the University of Ingolstadt protesting the arrest of a young scholar for...
Christian Antisemitism in the Middle Ages & during the Reformation
Article by Rebecca Denova

Christian Antisemitism in the Middle Ages & during the Reformation

Antisemitism is a modern term that describes prejudice and hostility to Jews and Judaism. The origins of Christian antisemitism in the gospels are based on the story of a 1st-century itinerant Jewish preacher, Jesus of Nazareth, in the Roman...
Sextus Empiricus
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Sextus Empiricus

Sextus Empiricus (l. c. 160 to c. 210 CE) was a Greek Skeptic who developed the ideas of the earlier Greek Skeptic philosopher Pyrrho of Elis (l. c. 360 to c. 270 BCE) who claimed that tranquility of mind was attainable by suspending judgment...
Protestant Reformation in Switzerland
Image by Ascot Elite Entertainment Group

Protestant Reformation in Switzerland

The Protestant Reformation in Switzerland as portrayed in the movie Zwingli (2019). © Ascot Elite Entertainment Group
Huldrych Zwingli
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Huldrych Zwingli

Huldrych Zwingli (l. 1484-1531) was a Swiss priest who became the leader of the Protestant Reformation in the region at the same time Martin Luther (l. 1483-1546) was active in Germany. Zwingli is known as the 'third man of the Reformation'...
William Tyndale
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

William Tyndale

William Tyndale (l.c. 1494-1536) was a talented English linguist, scholar and priest who was the first to translate the Bible into English. Tyndale objected to the Catholic Church’s control of scripture in Latin and the prohibition against...