Nitin Sil



Nitin Sil My parents had jobs that required traveling. As far back as I could remember, learning history was a part of growing up. I was 7 when I tried to climb the Pyramids in Giza, and going to the archeology museum in Cairo every Sunday was a normal thing. I remember trying to learn Spanish (not very well mind you) in Madrid and going to tour a monastery outside of Vienna before I was in 5th grade. To me history was always there and a part of me. Even to this day, if I travel or go on vacation there has to be a historical side to it. This search for understanding makes the world, imho, a much more interesting place.

I love this website because I feel its place where others who share my love of learning come to. I contribute my time to help narrate the content, because it makes the information here, only that much more accessible.


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