Volsinii (modern Orvieto), located in central Italy, was an important Etruscan town from the 8th century BCE when it was known by the name of Velzna. Representatives of the Etruscan League met annually at the site in the most important Etruscan festival at the Fanum Voltumnae sanctuary. Volsinii was destroyed by the Romans in the 3rd century BCE, and the remaining population relocated to a new settlement nearby, modern Bolsena.
More about: VolsiniiDefinition
c. 1100 BCE - 900 BCEProto-Villanovan culture in central Italy.
c. 900 BCE - c. 750 BCEVillanovan culture in central Italy.
394 BCEEtruscan Volsinii and their ally Sappinum unsuccessfully attacks Rome.
294 BCEA Roman army led by L. Postimius Megellus defeats an army from Etruscan Volsinii.
284 BCEEtruscan Volsinii with an army of Gauls attacks Arretium.
283 BCERomans defeat the Etruscans and Celts at lake Vadimo.
280 BCEThe Romans conquer the Etruscan cities of Tarquinia, Volsinii and Vulci.
264 BCEEtruscan Volsinii is sacked by the Romans and its residents relocated to Bolsena.