The term agora (pronounced ah-go-RAH) is Greek for 'open place of assembly' and, early in the history of Greece, designated the area in a city where free-born citizens could gather to hear civic announcements, muster for military campaigns, or discuss politics. It later designated the open-air marketplace of a city.
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c. 7000 BCE - 5000 BCEHuman habitation on the Acropolis and around the Agora of Athens continues from Neolithic Period.
c. 1700 BCE - c. 1100 BCEMycenaean Period. Agora established at Athens.
c. 1100 BCE - c. 600 BCEIron Age Development, public buildings erected at the Agora in Athens.
560 BCE - 507 BCEFurther development and expansion of the Agora of Athens.
480 BCESack of Athens by the Persians under Xerxes. The Agora is destroyed.
460 BCE - 429 BCEThe Age of Pericles. Athenian Agora is rebuilt, construction of Parthenon.
431 BCE - 404 BCEThe Peloponnesian Wars which leave Athens defeated and the Agora damaged.
2 Aug 338 BCEThe Battle of Charonea gives Athens to the Macedonian victors. Agora takes on Macedonian characteristics.
159 BCE - 138 BCEKing Attalos II of Pergamon builds the great Stoa in the Agora of Athens.
146 BCERoman influence over Greece begins to rise.
86 BCESiege of Athens by the Roman general Sulla. Agora is destroyed.
27 BCE - 14 CEReign of Augustus Caesar. Athens and the Agora restored.
117 CE - 138 CERule of the Roman Emperor Hadrian who supports great building projects in and around the Agora of Athens.
267 CEAgora of Athens burned by invading Herulians.