Two Strike (Numpkahapa/Nomkahpa, l. c. 1831-1915) was a Lakota Sioux chief of the Brule band, who fought against the US military consistently from Red Cloud's War (1866-1868) through the Great Sioux War (1876-1877) and was present at the Wounded Knee Massacre of 1890. He was later an outspoken critic of US policies toward Native peoples of North America.
More about: Sioux Chief Two Strike (Eastman's Biography)Definition
c. 1831 - 1915Life of Lakota Brule Sioux chief Two Strike.
1866 - 1868Two Strike fights in Red Cloud's War.
1868 - 1876Two Strike continues to resist US government's westward expansion alongside Crazy Horse and others.
1876 - 1877Two Strike fights in the Great Sioux War.
1890Two Strike is present at the Wounded Knee Massacre.
1891 - 1895Two Strike is arrested for his criticism of US governmental policies following the Wounded Knee Massacre and is imprisoned for three years.
1895 - 1915Two Strike continues his criticism of US policies toward Native Americans until his death.