Western Civilization is forever indebted to the people of ancient Greece and Rome. Among the numerous contributions these societies made are in the fields of art, literature and philosophy; however, perhaps their greatest gift to future generations was the modern perception of government. The contemporary idea of democracy, while borne out of the political struggles in the city of Athens, came to fruition in the Roman Republic, surviving, despite the constant interference of the emperor, through the Roman Empire. Although the present definition of democracy has changed considerably, one must still recognize its early evolution in that eternal city, Rome.
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753 BCEThe legendary founding date of Rome.
750 BCE - 510 BCEThe (semi-mythological) seven kings of Rome: Romulus, Numa Pompilius, Tulus Hostilius, Ancus Marcius, Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, Servius Tullius, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus.
509 BCEFoundation of the Roman Republic.
494 BCETraditional date the office of the tribuni plebis is created in Rome.
450 BCEThe number of Roman quaestors is increased to four and made open to plebians.
450 BCEThe laws of the 'Twelve Tables', the basis of Roman law, are compiled.
449 BCEThe Valerio-Horatian Laws establishes the tribal assemblies in Rome.
443 BCEThe position of censor is created in Rome.
c. 440 BCERoman quaestors are chosen by the assembly rather than the consuls.
367 BCELaw passed enabling Roman plebians to become consuls.
367 BCEPosition of aedile curule added for the patricians of Rome.
367 BCEThe Licino-Sextian rogations establish the office a third praetor; the original two are renamed consuls.
366 BCEFirst Roman plebian consul named.
339 BCEThe leges Publilae decrees that one of Rome's two censors must be a plebeian.
c. 287 BCEThe Lex Hotensia states that laws passed in Rome by the Concilium Plebis are binding to all people, even patricians.
180 BCEThe Lex Villia Annalis sets the minimum age of each magistracy in the Roman government.
131 BCETwo plebeians hold the two positions of censor for the first time in Rome.
106 BCERoman statesman and orator Cicero is born.
12 Jul 100 BCE - 15 Mar 44 BCELife of Gaius Julius Caesar, founder of the Roman Empire.
81 BCESulla significantly curbs the powers of the Roman tribuni plebis.
70 BCEPompey and Crassus are made consuls.
70 BCEThe powers of the tribuni plebis in Rome are reinstated.
65 BCEJulius Caesar becomes aedile curule in Rome.
60 BCE - 53 BCEFirst Triumvirate' between Caesar, Pompey and Crassus.
55 BCEMarcus Licinius Crassus is made consul for the second time and departs on campaign in Parthia.
44 BCECaesar becomes dictator for life. On the 'Ides of March' (15th) he is killed by conspirators including Brutus and Cassius. Octavian, son of Caesars niece Atia, is posthumously adopted as his heir.
43 BCE - 36 BCESecond Triumvirate: Antony, Octavian, and Lepidus (official approval by the Roman Senate). Mass proscriptions including Cicero.
43 BCERoman statesman and orator Cicero dies.
42 BCEOctavian and Antony defeat Republicans under Brutus and Cassius at the Battle of Philippi (Greece).
27 BCEOctavian is given extraordinary powers and the name Augustus by the Roman Senate.
c. 23 BCEAugustus takes over most of the powers of the tribuni plebis.
22 BCEThe last censor is elected in Rome.
68 CE - 69 CEYear of the Four Emperors: Civil war in Rome.
212 CERoman citizenship granted to all inhabitants of the empire.
285 CEThe Roman empire is split into the Western and Eastern Roman empires.