Ptolemy XIII Theos Philopator (The Father-loving God, born 62/61 BCE, died 47 BCE) was pharaoh of Egypt from 51 BCE until his death. His reign began as co-ruler with his sister, the famous Cleopatra VII, following the wishes of their father, Ptolemy XII Auletes. Ptolemy battled with Julius Caesar for control of Egypt but was defeated at the Battle of the Nile in 47 BCE. He drowned, aged 15, while trying to escape the victorious Roman dictator.
More about: Ptolemy XIII Theos PhilopatorDefinition
c. 62 BCE - 47 BCELife of Ptolemy XIII Theos Philopater.
51 BCECleopatra accepts her brother Ptolemy XIII as co-ruler.
49 BCESole rule of Ptolemy XIII, recognized by both Gaius Julius Caesar, the Roman dictator, and his opponent, Pompey the Great.
48 BCECleopatra tries to return, but her army is defeated near Pelusium.
48 BCECaesar defeats Pompey (Battle of Pharsalus); Pompey flees to Egypt and is killed by courtiers of Ptolemy XIII.
48 BCECaesar arrives in Egypt and orders Ptolemy XIII and Cleopatra VII to disband their armies, but instead, war breaks out.
Jan 47 BCEPtolemy XIII drowns in the Nile fleeing Caesar.