The Migration Period, also called the Barbarian Invasions or German: Völkerwanderung (wandering of the peoples), was a period of human migration that occurred roughly between 300 to 700 CE in Europe, marking the transition from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages. These movements were catalyzed by profound changes within both the Roman Empire and the so-called 'barbarian frontier'. Migrating peoples during this period included the Huns, Goths, Vandals, Bulgars, Alans, Suebi, Frisians, and Franks, among other Germanic and Slavic tribes.
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167 CEMarcomanni sack Aquileia.
257 CE - 263 CEThe Goths raid Greece.
267 CEThe Goths sack Athens, Corinth, Sparta, and Argos.
300 CE - 700 CEMigration Age in Europe.
367 CEPicts, Scots, Saxons, and Franks attack the Roman Empire.
372 CEHuns conquer the Ostrogoths.
376 CEThe Goths cross the Danube.
376 CEThe Visigoths are fleeing the Huns, entering the Eastern Roman Empire.
378 CEFritigern defeats Roman emperor Valens at the Battle of Adrianople.
402 CERavenna becomes the capital of the Western Roman Empire.
406 CEVandals, Suevi, and Alans invade Gaul.
410 CEAlaric of the Visigoths sacks Rome.
418 CEVisigoths settle in Aquitaine.
429 CEVandals cross Spain to the Maghreb.
450 CEAngles and Saxons settle Britain.
451 CEAetius defeats Attila of the Huns at the Battle of the Catalaunian Fields, together with Rome's allies.
455 CEVandals sack Rome.
462 CEVisigoths expand into Spain.
480 CEJulius Nepos, the last Western Roman emperor, dies. This is the `unofficial' end of the Western Roman Empire.
486 CEClovis I of the Franks defeats the Romans in Gaul. Founding of the Frankish kingdom.
488 CE - 493 CETheodoric the Great of the Ostrogoths conquers Italy.
503 CEClovis I converts to Christianity.
507 CEClovis defeats the Visigoths and drives them into the Iberian peninsula.
533 CE - 534 CEThe Vandal War launched by Emperor Justinian I, aimed a reconquering Africa from the Vandals.
534 CEJustinian of the Byzantine Empire conquers the Vandal kingdom in Africa.
535 CE - 554 CEThe Gothic War launched by Emperor Justinian I, aimed at reconquering Italy from the Goths.
536 CE - 562 CEThe Byzantine Empire conquers Italy.
554 CEByzantine Empire conquers southern Iberia.
568 CE - 582 CELombards invade northern Italy.
571 CEVisigoths conquer Cordoba.