The Greco-Bactrian kingdom refers to several dynasties and probably kingdoms of Greco-Macedonian monarchs who ruled over Bactria from 250 to 130 BCE.
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250 BCEFormer satrap Diodotos rebels against Seleucid king Antiochos I, creating the Greco-Bactrian kingdom.
c. 230 BCEDiodotos II is overthrown by Euthydemos. Beginning of the Euthydemid dynasty.
208 BCE - 206 BCESiege of Bactra by Antiochos III.
208 BCESeleucid king Antiochos III wins the battle of the Arius river against Euthydemos.
206 BCERecognition of the Greco-Bactrian kingdom and Euthydemid dynasty by Antiochos III.
c. 200 BCEBeginning of the Greco-Bactrian conquests in India.
c. 190 BCEFirst appearance of multiple Euthydemid kings at the same time. Beginning of the Indo-Greek kingdoms.
186 BCEDemetrios wins a decisive battle in Gandhara, beginning the Yona (or Greek era) in India.
171 BCEIn odrer to show the break of dynasty, Eucratides begin a new Yona (or Greek) era.
c. 171 BCEEucratides begins his uprising against Greco-Bactrian king Demetrios II.
c. 155 BCEThe Euthydemid Menander succeeds to push back the Eucratids westward of the Hindu-Kush.
145 BCEMurder of Eucratides by his son. Weakening of the Greco-Bactrian kingdom.
c. 130 BCEThe Yuezhei take control of Bactria.