Search Results: Warrior pharaoh chronicle thutmose thaneni


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Thutmose III
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Thutmose III

Thutmose III (also known as Tuthmosis III, r. 1458-1425 BCE) was the 6th king of Egypt's 18th Dynasty, one of the greatest military leaders in antiquity, and among the most effective and impressive monarchs in Egypt's history. His throne...
Queen Hatshepsut: Daughter of Amun, Pharaoh of Egypt
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Queen Hatshepsut: Daughter of Amun, Pharaoh of Egypt

Hatshepsut, whose name means "Foremost of Noble Women" or "First Among Noble Women" (royal name, Ma'at-ka-re, translated as "spirit of harmony and truth") was the fifth ruler of the 18th Dynasty (r. 1479-1458 BCE). She was the daughter of...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Hatshepsut (r. 1479-1458 BCE) was the first female ruler of ancient Egypt to reign as a male with the full authority of pharaoh. Her name means "Foremost of Noble Women" or "She is First Among Noble Women". She began her reign as regent to...
Thutmose III at The Battle of Megiddo
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Thutmose III at The Battle of Megiddo

The ancient site of Megiddo was the scene of a number of battles in antiquity and is best known as the source of the word armageddon, the Greek rendering of the Hebrew Har-Megiddo ('Mount of Megiddo') from the biblical Book of Revelation...
Thutmose III's Battle of Megiddo Inscription
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Thutmose III's Battle of Megiddo Inscription

The Battle of Megiddo (c. 1457 BCE) is one of the most famous military engagements in history in which Thutmose III (1458-1425 BCE) of Egypt defeated the coalition of subject regions led in rebellion by the kings of Kadesh and Megiddo. The...
The Temple of Hatshepsut
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Temple of Hatshepsut

Among the duties of any Egyptian monarch was the construction of monumental building projects to honor the gods and preserve the memory of their reigns for eternity. These building projects were not just some grandiose gesture on the part...
New Kingdom of Egypt
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

New Kingdom of Egypt

The New Kingdom (c. 1570- c.1069 BCE) is the era in Egyptian history following the disunity of the Second Intermediate Period (c. 1782-1570 BCE) and preceding the dissolution of the central government at the start of the Third Intermediate...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


The Pharaoh in ancient Egypt was the political and religious leader of the people and held the titles 'Lord of the Two Lands' and 'High Priest of Every Temple'. The word 'pharaoh' is the Greek form of the Egyptian pero or per-a-a, which was...
The Statuary of Maatkare Hatshepsut
Article by Elsie McLaughlin

The Statuary of Maatkare Hatshepsut

One of the most fascinating aspects of the female pharaoh Maatkare Hatshepsut's reign (1479 - 1458 BCE) is the artwork she left behind. Art served an important purpose in Egyptian society; every statue, mural, and motif had a significant...
Jeanne de Jussie's Short Chronicle
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Jeanne de Jussie's Short Chronicle

Jeanne de Jussie's Short Chronicle (1535) is an eyewitness account by the nun Jeanne de Jussie (l. 1503-1561) relating how the Protestant Reformation in Geneva, Switzerland, impacted the lives of the sisters of her convent of Poor Clares...