Search Results: Ngo dinh diem


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Shiva, Vietnam
Image by James Blake Wiener

Shiva, Vietnam

Sandstone sculpture of Shiva from Thap Banh It. Binh Dinh province, Vietnam. 11th-12th century CE. (Musée Guimet, Paris)
Palace, Palenque
Image by Alfred Diem

Palace, Palenque

The Palace building of Palenque. With the northern half and tower dating to c. 721 CE, the structure is one of the most complex in Maya architecture and its square tower is unique in Mesoamerican sites.
Legacy of the Ancient Romans
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Legacy of the Ancient Romans

The legacy of the ancient Romans – from both the time of the Roman Republic (509-27 BCE) and the time of the Roman Empire (27 BCE - 476 CE) – exerted a significant influence on succeeding cultures and is still felt around the world in the...
ArchaeoConcept Interview
Interview by James Blake Wiener

ArchaeoConcept Interview

ArchaeoConcept is an independent company based in Biel, Switzerland that finds solutions to problems encountered by archaeologists and heritage managers which cannot be answered from within existing structures. Through its integrative projects...
Harper's Songs of Ancient Egypt
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Harper's Songs of Ancient Egypt

Harper's songs were lyrics composed in ancient Egypt to be sung at funeral feasts and inscribed on monuments. They derive their name from the image which accompanies the text on tomb or chapel walls, stelae, and papyri in which a blind harper...
Battle of Pydna
Definition by Donald L. Wasson

Battle of Pydna

The Battle of Pydna in June 168 BCE was a decisive Roman victory that ended the Third Macedonian War and established Rome as the dominant power in the Mediterranean. The Roman Republic was expanding, enlarging its sphere of influence along...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


The Cyrenaics were a philosophical school of thought founded c. 4th century BCE by Aristippus of Cyrene (l. c. 435-356 BCE) who taught that sensual pleasure was the highest good and only worthwhile pursuit in life. Known as the first hedonistic...
The Daily Life of Medieval Nuns
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Daily Life of Medieval Nuns

Monasteries were an ever-present feature of the Medieval landscape and perhaps more than half were devoted solely to women. The rules and lifestyle within a nunnery were very similar to those in a male monastery. Nuns took vows of chastity...
The dark history of werewolves - Craig Thomson
Video by TED-Ed

The dark history of werewolves - Craig Thomson

Explore how werewolves have evolved in folklore, literature, and pop culture throughout history, and where these stories originated. – Stories of werewolves have existed for thousands of years and continue to live on today. They’re...