Search Results: Morris rossabi


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Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Cerdic of Wessex (r. 519-534) was King of the West Saxons and the founder of Wessex. His influence was so profound that later genealogies of the English monarchy would claim that all the sovereigns of Britain, save for Canute, Hardecanute...
Cats in the Ancient World
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Cats in the Ancient World

Cats and humans have shared in each other's lives for thousands of years and, even though they have not always been regarded as highly as in the present, have played an important role in a number of cultures. Always enigmatic, the cat has...
Colonial American Currency
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Colonial American Currency

Colonial American currency was a work in progress from the time of the earliest English settlements of the 1600s until the United States of America minted its own money in 1783. The monetary system was far from standardized, and trade within...
Domesday Book
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Domesday Book

Domesday Book was a comprehensive survey and record of all the landowners, property, tenants and serfs of medieval Norman England. It was compiled in 1086-7 under the orders of William the Conqueror (r. 1066-87). The record is unique in European...
Interview: Pre-Raphaelites: Modern Renaissance
Interview by James Blake Wiener

Interview: Pre-Raphaelites: Modern Renaissance

Pre-Raphaelites: Modern Renaissance marks the first multidisciplinary exhibition in Italy to examine the profound impact of Italian Renaissance art on the Pre-Raphaelite movement, which flourished in Victorian and Edwardian Britain (c. 1840-1920...
Odes of Horace
Image by Digital Collections at the University of Maryland

Odes of Horace

Odes of Horace. Illuminated by William Morris c. 1873 CE from the Collected Works of William Morris Vol. XI.
Declaration of Independence
Article by Harrison W. Mark

Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence is the foundational document of the United States of America. Written primarily by Thomas Jefferson, it explains why the Thirteen Colonies decided to separate from Great Britain during the American Revolution...
Cats in the Middle Ages
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Cats in the Middle Ages

Cats in the Middle Ages were generally disapproved of, regarded as, at best, useful pests and, at worst, agents of Satan, owing to the medieval Church and its association of the cat with evil. Prior to the widespread acceptance of Christianity...
Battle of Fort Washington
Article by Harrison W. Mark

Battle of Fort Washington

The Battle of Fort Washington (16 November 1776) took place during the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783) as part of the British effort to seize control of Manhattan Island. It saw a British and Hessian force capture Fort Washington...
Illuminated Manuscript of the Rubaiyat
Image by Digital Collections at the University of Maryland

Illuminated Manuscript of the Rubaiyat

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (l. 1048-1131 CE), illuminated by William Morris.