Search Results: Jump blues


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Buffalo Jump, near Ulm, Montana
Image by Naawada2016

Buffalo Jump, near Ulm, Montana

The buffalo jump near Ulm, Montana. Formerly called Ulm Pishkun, now called First People's Buffalo Jump. The buffalo jump was used regularly by Plains Indians in hunting North American bison by chasing them toward a cliff they would plunge...
War in the Vendée
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

War in the Vendée

The War in the Vendée was a counter-revolutionary uprising that took place in the Vendée department of France from 1793 to 1796, during the French Revolution (1789-99). In response to the French Republic's attempts to impose conscription...
The Greek Long Jump
Video by The British Museum

The Greek Long Jump

The long jump was the only type of jumping contest in the ancient Olympics. It differed vitally from our long jump in that athletes used pairs of weights or halteres, swung forward on take-off and back just before landing, probably as a handicap...
Chariot Racing in Ancient Rome
Article by Laura Kate C. McCormack

Chariot Racing in Ancient Rome

Chariot racing was very big business in ancient Rome. There was a whole industry built around the factions, the four professional stables known by their team colour – Blue, Green, Red, and White –, providing all that was required for a race...
Ancient Chinese Art
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Ancient Chinese Art

Ancient China covered a vast and ever-changing geopolitical landscape, and the art it produced over three millennia is, unsurprisingly, just as varied. Still, despite continuous indigenous technical developments, changes in materials and...
Roman Mosaic with Charioteers
Image by Carole Raddato

Roman Mosaic with Charioteers

Mosaic depicting a charioteer and horse from each of the four circus factions (Red, White, Blue, and Green), 3rd century CE (Palazzo Massimo all Terme, Rome). Chariot-racing was the most popular sport in ancient Rome, and the Blues and Greens...
The Art of the Tang Dynasty
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Art of the Tang Dynasty

The art of the Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE) began to explore new possibilities in materials and styles with landscape painting and ceramics, in particular, coming to the fore. New techniques, a wider range of colours and an increase in connoisseurship...
Beauty in the Bronze Age - Minoan & Mycenaean Fashion
Article by Georgia McDonnell

Beauty in the Bronze Age - Minoan & Mycenaean Fashion

Dress and appearance in Bronze Age Greece (c. 3100 BCE - c. 1100 BCE) played a part in defining gender roles and emphasising idealized beauty that planted the seed for modern-day standards. The Minoans turned the island of Crete into a Mediterranean...
George Frideric Handel
Definition by Mark Cartwright

George Frideric Handel

George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) was a composer of baroque music who was born in Germany but became an English citizen. His most famous works include his Messiah, Water Music, baroque Italian operas, and English oratorios. A hugely successful...
Wihio Tales
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Wihio Tales

Wihio tales are the Cheyenne legends featuring the trickster figure Wihio, who appears, variously, as a wise man, fool, villain, or hero and is associated with the spider. Wihio Tales continue to be as popular with the Cheyenne today as they...