Search Results: Glass mosaic made easy master


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Life and Easy Living
Image by Dana Murray

Life and Easy Living

Floor mosaic with allegorical representation of Life and Easy Living. Crafted from limestone and glass tesserae, this mosaic was excavated in Syria and dates to approximately 350-400 CE. In the mosaic, an affluent couple is shown engaged...
Roman Glass
Article by Mark Cartwright

Roman Glass

Roman glassware includes some of the finest pieces of art ever produced in antiquity and the very best were valued higher than wares made with precious metals. However, plain glass vessels such as cups, bowls, plates, and bottles were also...
How the World Was Made: A Cherokee Creation Story
Article by Joshua J. Mark

How the World Was Made: A Cherokee Creation Story

How the World Was Made is a creation story of the Cherokee nation, which, like many such tales of the Native peoples of North America, begins with a world covered by water from which dry land is formed and natural order created by beings...
The Phoenicians - Master Mariners
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Phoenicians - Master Mariners

Driven by their desire for trade and the acquisition of such commodities as silver from Spain, gold from Africa, and tin from the Scilly Isles, the Phoenicians sailed far and wide, even beyond the Mediterranean's traditional safe limits of...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


Mosaics are designs and images created using small pieces (tesserae) of stone or other materials which have been used to decorate floors, walls, ceilings, and precious objects since before written records began. Like pottery, mosaics have...
Glass Vessel Made by Core-forming Technique
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Glass Vessel Made by Core-forming Technique

Core-forming is one of the earliest glass-making techniques. The body of the vessel was shaped around a core. Colored trails of glass were wound around it, and the rim and handles added. the vessel was then cooled and the core removed. Mediterranean...
How It's Made: Peace Pipes
Video by How It's Made Show

How It's Made: Peace Pipes

The show is a documentary showing how common, everyday items (including foodstuffs like bubblegum, industrial products such as engines, musical instruments such as guitars, and sporting goods such as snowboards) are manufactured. The show...
The Stained Glass Windows of Chartres Cathedral
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Stained Glass Windows of Chartres Cathedral

The 167 stained glass windows of Chartres Cathedral, built 1190-1220 CE, are the most complete group surviving anywhere from the Middle Ages. Several windows date to the mid-12th century CE while over 150 survive from the early 13th century...
Mary I of England by Master John
Image by Master John

Mary I of England by Master John

A portrait by Master John of Mary I of England (r. 1553-1558 CE), aged around 28. (National Portrait Gallery, London)
Tea Master Sen no Rikyu
Image by Hasegawa Tôhaku

Tea Master Sen no Rikyu

A portrait by Hasegawa Tôhaku of the celebrated tea master Sen no Rikyu (1522-1591 CE) who is credited with creating the established procedures for the Japanese tea ceremony.