Search Results: Digital music


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Ancient Greek Music
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Ancient Greek Music

Music (or mousike) was an integral part of life in the ancient Greek world, and the term covered not only music but also dance, lyrics, and the performance of poetry. A wide range of instruments was used to perform music which was played...
Music & Dance in Ancient Egypt
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Music & Dance in Ancient Egypt

Music and dance were highly valued in ancient Egyptian culture, but they were more important than is generally thought: they were integral to creation and communion with the gods and, further, were the human response to the gift of life and...
Edvard Grieg
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Edvard Grieg

Edvard Grieg (1843-1907) was a Norwegian composer known for his songs, piano music, and the Peer Gynt suites. The composer was famous in his own lifetime, touring extensively to play and conduct his own works across Europe. Grieg's Romantic...
George Frideric Handel
Definition by Mark Cartwright

George Frideric Handel

George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) was a composer of baroque music who was born in Germany but became an English citizen. His most famous works include his Messiah, Water Music, baroque Italian operas, and English oratorios. A hugely successful...
Caracalla Baths, Rome, Italy - Digital Reconstruction
Image by QS Supplies

Caracalla Baths, Rome, Italy - Digital Reconstruction

A digital reconstruction of what the Caracalla Baths in Rome, Italy may have looked like. Reconstruction created by NeoMam Studios, commissioned by QS Supplies.
Great Bath of Mohenjo-Daro - Digital Reconstruction
Image by QS Supplies

Great Bath of Mohenjo-Daro - Digital Reconstruction

A digital reconstruction of what the Great Baths in Mohenjo-Daro in the Sindh province of modern-day Pakistan may have looked like. Reconstruction created by NeoMam Studios, commissioned by QS Supplies.
Roman Baths of Odessos - Digital Reconstruction
Image by QS Supplies

Roman Baths of Odessos - Digital Reconstruction

A digital reconstruction of what the Roman Baths of Odessos in modern-day Varna, Bulgaria may have looked like. Reconstruction created by NeoMam Studios, commissioned by QS Supplies.
Roman Baths in Bath, England - Digital Reconstruction
Image by QS Supplies

Roman Baths in Bath, England - Digital Reconstruction

A digital reconstruction of what the Roman Baths in modern-day Bath, England may have looked like. Reconstruction created by NeoMam Studios, commissioned by QS Supplies.
Baths at Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli, Italy - Digital Reconstruction
Image by QS Supplies

Baths at Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli, Italy - Digital Reconstruction

A digital reconstruction of what the at Hadrian's Villa in Tivoli, Italy may have looked like. Reconstruction created by NeoMam Studios, commissioned by QS Supplies.
Barbara Baths, Trier - Digital Reconstruction
Image by QS Supplies

Barbara Baths, Trier - Digital Reconstruction

A digital reconstruction of what the Barbara Baths in Trier, Germany may have looked like. Reconstruction created by NeoMam Studios, commissioned by QS Supplies.