Search Results: Cultural history archaeology


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Definition by Maisie Jewkes


Archaeology is a wide subject and definitions can vary, but broadly, it is the study of the culture and history of past peoples and their societies by uncovering and studying their material remains, i.e. tools, ruins, and pottery. Archaeology...
Interview: Korea-Japan Relations Through the Prism of Archaeology
Interview by James Blake Wiener

Interview: Korea-Japan Relations Through the Prism of Archaeology

Ancient East Asia was dominated by the three states known today as China, Japan, and Korea. The complex chain of successive kingdoms created a rich web of events that archaeologists have sometimes found difficult to disentangle; a situation...
Information & Communication Technologies in Cultural Heritage & Tourism
Interview by James Blake Wiener

Information & Communication Technologies in Cultural Heritage & Tourism

Information and communication technologies (ICT) are revolutionizing the ways in which the public interacts, understands, and appreciates the importance of cultural heritage around the world. They are additionally enabling sustainable tourism...
Cultural Links between India & the Greco-Roman World
Article by Sanujit

Cultural Links between India & the Greco-Roman World

Cyrus the Great (558-530 BCE) built the first universal empire, stretching from Greece to the Indus River. This was the famous Achaemenid Empire of Persia. An inscription at Naqsh-i-Rustam, the tomb of his able successor Darius I (521-486...
Gods and Heroes Archaeology Kit Review
Article by Jan van der Crabben

Gods and Heroes Archaeology Kit Review

If you are reading this, you probably love history and archaeology. And if you have children, then you have probably struggled at times to excite them about ancient ruins and archaeology. Here is an idea: let them be an archaeologist and...
Madhubani Paintings: People’s Living Cultural Heritage
Article by Chandra Shamsher Bahadur Singh

Madhubani Paintings: People’s Living Cultural Heritage

Mithila, a region in the state of Bihar, northern India (and also stretching into Nepal), has an important tradition of knowledge in the form of paintings. Madhubani paintings (also known as Mithila paintings) have been practised by the women...
Cultural & Theological Background of Mummification in Egypt
Article by John S. Knox

Cultural & Theological Background of Mummification in Egypt

Many myths and falsehoods concerning the Egyptian practice of mummification have been promoted to the general public in movies, television shows, and documentaries. While these offerings are entertaining and fascinating to watch, the purposes...
Phoenician Maritime Trade and Cultural Exchange
Teaching Material by Taleen Aktorosian

Phoenician Maritime Trade and Cultural Exchange

This lesson plan has two parts. During the first part, students will watch a video introducing the Phoenicians and answer the questions on Worksheet #1. In the second part, students will participate in a trading simulation activity which...
An Introduction to Archaeology: What is Archaeology and Why is it Important?
Video by Kelly Macquire

An Introduction to Archaeology: What is Archaeology and Why is it Important?

What is archaeology? In the broadest definition possible, archaeology is the study of human history through the material culture left behind. The desire among human beings for knowledge of what came before has always been there. Just look...
In the Forest - a Cultural History Exhibition, Zürich
Image by Swiss National Musuem

In the Forest - a Cultural History Exhibition, Zürich

A photograph showing a room of the 2022 exhibition In the Forest - A Cultural History in the Swiss National Museum, Zürich. ©Swiss National Museum (used with permission)