Search Results: Plymouth Colony


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Plymouth Colony
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Plymouth Colony

The Plymouth Colony (1620-1691) was the first English settlement in the region of modern-day New England in the United States, settled by the religious Separatists known as the “pilgrims” who crossed the Atlantic Ocean on the Mayflower in...
Massachusetts Bay Colony
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Massachusetts Bay Colony

Massachusetts Bay Colony (1628-1691 CE) was the largest English settlement in New England and the most influential both in the colonization of the region and later developments in what would become the United States of America. It was founded...
Providence Colony
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Providence Colony

Providence Colony (also known as Providence Plantation, modern-day Providence, Rhode Island, USA) was a settlement established in 1636 CE by the Puritan separatist theologian and pastor Roger Williams (l. 1603-1683 CE) after he was banished...
New England Colonies
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

New England Colonies

The New England Colonies were the settlements established by English religious dissenters along the coast of the north-east of North America between 1620-1640 CE. The original colonies were: Plymouth Colony (1620 CE) New Hampshire...
Merrymount Colony
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Merrymount Colony

Merrymount Colony (1624-1630 CE) was a settlement first established in New England as Mount Wollaston in 1624 CE but renamed Mount Ma-re (referred to as Merrymount) in 1626 CE by the lawyer, writer, and colonist Thomas Morton (l. c. 1579-1647...
King Philip (Metacom)
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

King Philip (Metacom)

Metacomet (also known as King Philip and Metacom, l. 1638-1676) was chief of the Wampanoag Confederacy between 1662-1676, best known as the leader of Native American forces during the conflict known as King Philip’s War (1675-1678) during...
Mourt's Relation
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Mourt's Relation

Mourt's Relation (published 1622 CE) is an account of the first year of the Plymouth Colony founded by the pilgrims who arrived in Massachusetts in November 1620 CE aboard the Mayflower. Its original title was A Relation or Journal of the...
Mayflower Passengers & Crew
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Mayflower Passengers & Crew

The 102 Mayflower passengers were a diverse group made up of religious separatists (later known as pilgrims) and others referred to by the pilgrims as Strangers (people who did not share their faith). The ship also had a crew of approximately...
King Philip's War
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

King Philip's War

King Philip’s War (also known as Metacom’s War, 1675-1678) was a conflict in New England between a coalition of Native American tribes organized under the command of Metacom (also known as King Philip, l. 1638-1676), chief of the Wampanoag...
Roger Williams
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Roger Williams

Roger Williams (l. 1603-1683 CE) was a Puritan separatist minister best known for his conflict with both the Plymouth Colony and Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1633-1635 CE, resulting in his banishment and founding of the colony of Providence...