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A Noble Ruin by W. Jeffrey Tatum
Image by Oxford University Press

A Noble Ruin by W. Jeffrey Tatum

Cover of A Noble Ruin by W. Jeffrey Tatum
Canyon de Chelly
Definition by James Blake Wiener

Canyon de Chelly

Canyon de Chelly or Canyon de Chelly National Monument is a protected site that contains the remains of 5,000 years of Native American inhabitation. Canyon de Chelly is located in the northeastern portion of the US state of Arizona within...
Definition by Wesley Fiorentino


Gildas (c. 500-570 CE) was a Romano-British monk, known primarily for a work entitled De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae, translated as On the Ruin and Conquest of Britain. Gildas' work is a polemical sermon recounting British history while...
A Weekend on the Isle of Skye, Scotland
Article by Joshua J. Mark

A Weekend on the Isle of Skye, Scotland

The Isle of Skye, Scotland, is a land of myth, legend, and swirling mists that easily transport a visitor through time. The history of the island goes back to the Neolithic Period, and it has been the site of many significant events but...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


A ziggurat is a form of monumental architecture originating in ancient Mesopotamia which usually had a rectangular base and was built in a series of steps up to a flat platform upon which a temple was raised. The ziggurat was an artificial...
The Seven Wonders
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

The Seven Wonders

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World were seven impressive structures famously listed by ancient writers including Philo of Byzantium, Antipater of Sidon, Diodorus Siculus, Herodotus, Strabo, and Callimachus of Cyrene, among others. The...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Ctesiphon was an ancient city and trade center on the east bank of the Tigris River founded during the reign of Mithridates I (the Great, 171-132 BCE). It is best known in the modern day for the single-span arch, Taq Kasra, which is the most...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Khaemweset (also given as Khaemwaset, Khaemwise, Khaemuas, Setem Khaemwaset, c. 1281-c.1225 BCE) was the fourth son of Ramesses II (1279-1213 BCE) and his queen Isetnefret. He is the best known of Ramesses II's many children after the pharaoh...
Upper Ruin Exterior- Tonto National Monument
3D Image by doctorlp

Upper Ruin Exterior- Tonto National Monument

Upper Ruins at the Tonto National Monument in Arizona, which were created by the Salado Culture. (c. 1250-1400 CE).
Lower Ruin - Tonto National Monument
3D Image by doctorlp

Lower Ruin - Tonto National Monument

Lower Ruins at the Tonto National Monument in Arizona, which were created by the Salado Culture. (c. 1250-1400 CE).