Search Results: Pankration


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Definition by Stella Nenova


Pankration is an ancient martial art which mixes wrestling and boxing. The sport can be traced as far back as the second millennium BCE in the territory of ancient Greece. Its name derives from the ancient Greek words pan (all) and kratos...
Ancient Olympic Games
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Ancient Olympic Games

The ancient Olympic Games were a sporting event held every four years at the sacred site of Olympia, in the western Peloponnese, in honour of Zeus, the supreme god of the Greek religion. The games, held from 776 BCE to 393 CE, involved participants...
Pherenike the Female Olympic Trainer
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Pherenike the Female Olympic Trainer

Pherenike (l. c. 388 BCE, also known as Kallipateira) was an athlete from Rhodes who, because she was a woman, could not compete in the Olympic Games and, as a married woman, was not allowed to even watch them. Defying these rules and risking...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


In the ancient Greek world, the word stadium or stadion referred to a measurement of distance, a foot-race, and the place where the race was held and observed by spectators. The Great Games Greek sporting events were closely connected...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


Ancient Olympia was an ancient Greek sanctuary site dedicated to the worship of Zeus located in the western Peloponnese. The Pan-Hellenic Olympic Games were held at the site in honour of Zeus every four years from 776 BCE to 393 CE. Olympia...
Origin and History of the Ancient Olympic Games
Video by Kelly Macquire

Origin and History of the Ancient Olympic Games

The Olympic Games as we know them today began in April of 1896 in Athens, where the city welcomed 13 nations to compete, but this video is going way back to the year 776 BCE and it's going to explore the origin and history of the Ancient...
Agias, Son of Aknonios
Image by James Lloyd

Agias, Son of Aknonios

A votive marble offering in the style of Lysippos from the Daochos Monument at Delphi; over-life-size at 2m tall; Late Classical; c.336- 332 BCE. Agias was the grandfather of Daochos II, who dedicated the monument, and a highly successful...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


Nemea was a religious sanctuary in the northern Peloponnese of Greece where pan-Hellenic athletic games were held every two years from 573 BCE until 271 BCE, after which, the Games were definitively moved to Argos. Early Settlement...
Ancient & Medieval Sports
Collection by Mark Cartwright

Ancient & Medieval Sports

In this collection of resources, we examine some of the sports that thrilled ancient and medieval audiences from the fast and furious chariot races of the Circus Maximus to the colour and pageantry of medieval jousts. We look at the hockey...
Boxer of Quirinal
Image by Irene Fanizza

Boxer of Quirinal

The bronze Boxer of Quirinal, also known as the Terme Boxer, is a Hellenistic Greek sculpture dated around 330 BCE of a sitting boxer with Caestus, a type of leather hand-wrap, in the collection of the National Museum of Rome. It is one of...