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The Household Staff in an English Medieval Castle
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Household Staff in an English Medieval Castle

An English medieval castle, if a large one, could have a household staff of at least 50 people, which included all manner of specialised and skilled workers such as cooks, grooms, carpenters, masons, falconers, and musicians, as well as a...
An Illustrated Glossary of Castle Architecture
Article by Mark Cartwright

An Illustrated Glossary of Castle Architecture

Alure (Wall Walk) The walkway along the higher and interior part of a wall which often gives access to the higher floors of towers within the wall. Typically protected by battlements. Apse A semicircular projecting part of a...
Food in an English Medieval Castle
Article by Mark Cartwright

Food in an English Medieval Castle

If one was looking to enjoy a fine meal in the medieval world then the best place to find a handsomely laid dinner table was in the local castle. There, in the magnificent Great Hall, feasts were regularly served for the local lord and his...
Leisure in an English Medieval Castle
Article by Mark Cartwright

Leisure in an English Medieval Castle

Thanks to their favoured position in life and the labour of the peasants on their estates, nobles in an English medieval castle had plenty of leisure hours which could be frittered away by eating, drinking, dancing, playing games like chess...
Copy of the Heart Sutra
Image by Unknown

Copy of the Heart Sutra

A Sanskrit manuscript copy of the Heart Sutra at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
Chinese Diamond Sutra
Image by International Dunhuang Project

Chinese Diamond Sutra

The Buddhist text known as the Diamond Sutra is believed to be the oldest surviving printed book in the world, dated to 868 CE and written in Chinese. This work is one of the most important works of the Buddhist tradition.
Fall of the East India Company
Article by Mark Cartwright

Fall of the East India Company

The British East India Company (1600-1874) was the largest and most successful private enterprise ever created. All-powerful wherever it colonised, the EIC's use of its own private army and increasing territorial control, particularly in...
Trade Goods of the East India Company
Article by Mark Cartwright

Trade Goods of the East India Company

The English East India Company (EIC) was founded in 1600, and it came to control both trade and territories in India, as well as a trade monopoly with China. Goods the EIC traded included spices, cotton cloth, tea, and opium, all in such...
The Gold Crowns of Silla
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Gold Crowns of Silla

The Silla Kingdom ruled south-eastern Korea during the Three Kingdoms period (1st century BCE - 7th century CE) and then, as the Unified Silla Kingdom, all of Korea from 668 to 935 CE. The Silla produced fine pieces of art, but their most...
Life in a Medieval Castle
Collection by Mark Cartwright

Life in a Medieval Castle

Protecting strategically important coastlines, passes, and roadways, castles were an essential part of medieval warfare. With such key features as a tower keep, fortified gatehouses, curtain walls with crenellations and a surrounding moat...