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Rashidun Government
Definition by Syed Muhammad Khan

Rashidun Government

The Rashidun Caliphate (632-661 CE) was responsible for setting up the basis of the Islamic empire and expanding its borders beyond the Arabian soil. These leaders were selected by the consent of the people and based on their own merits...
Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha 
Definition by Rebecca Denova

Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha 

In the 2nd century CE, as Christianity was in the process of becoming an independent religion, a body of literature emerged that scholars classify as apocrypha and pseudepigrapha. Apocrypha (Greek: apokryptein, "to hide away") are those books...
Gustavus Adolphus
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Gustavus Adolphus

Gustavus Adolphus (l. 1594-1632; r. 1611-1632) was the King of Sweden who elevated his country to a major power in the 17th century. He also is traditionally recognized as the "Father of Modern Warfare" for his military innovations and his...
Pope Joan
Definition by Peter Kauffner

Pope Joan

Pope Joan was a legendary female pope of the Middle Ages said to have reigned from 855 to 858. After her story was popularized by Italian writer Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375), a statue of her was placed alongside those of other popes at...
Chretien de Troyes
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Chretien de Troyes

Chretien de Troyes (l. c. 1130-1190 CE) was the greatest romantic poet of his era, regarded today as the Father of Arthurian Romance (along with Geoffrey of Monmouth) and also Father of the Novel owing to his narrative form. He was most likely...
The Jolly Roger & Other Pirate Flags
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Jolly Roger & Other Pirate Flags

The Jolly Roger with its white skull and crossbones set against a black background has become a rather jovial part of pirate folklore but, in its day, this flag and others with similar blood-curdling designs, had a single and terrifying purpose...
The Early Three Kingdoms Period
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Early Three Kingdoms Period

The Early Three Kingdoms Period in ancient China, from 184 CE to 190 CE for the purposes of this article, was one of the most turbulent in China's history. With an ailing Han government unable to control its empire, brutal localised wars...
Bhutan: Land of the Thunder Dragon
Article by Kim Martins

Bhutan: Land of the Thunder Dragon

It is a breathtaking flight with dramatic sweeps over fertile valleys and blue pine forests. You fly past Mt. Everest, Mt. Kanchenjunga and Mt. Gangkhar Puensum, which is the highest, unclimbed mountain in the world soaring to almost 7,570...
Immortality of Writers in Ancient Egypt
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Immortality of Writers in Ancient Egypt

For the ancient Egyptians, life on earth was only one part of an eternal journey which continued after death. One's purpose in life was to live in balance with one's self, family, community, and the gods. Any occupation in Egypt was considered...
Interview: Kutuzov a Life in War and Peace by Alexander Mikaberidze
Interview by Kelly Macquire

Interview: Kutuzov a Life in War and Peace by Alexander Mikaberidze

Join World History Encyclopedia as they have a chat with author Alexander Mikaberidze all about his new book Kutuzov: A Life in War and Peace, published by Oxford University Press. Kelly: Thank you so much for joining me today, Alex. It...