Search Results: Honore-Gabriel Riqueti, comte de Mirabeau


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The Paris Impressionist Exhibitions, 1874-86
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Paris Impressionist Exhibitions, 1874-86

The impressionist exhibitions in Paris through the final quarter of the 19th century were organised by a group of avant-garde artists who struggled to have their innovative works accepted by the art establishment. Although ridiculed by many...
Battle of Rivoli
Article by Harrison W. Mark

Battle of Rivoli

The Battle of Rivoli (14-15 January 1797) was the climactic battle of Napoleon's Italian Campaign of 1796-97. A fourth and final attempt by the Austrian army to relieve the siege of Mantua was thwarted by Napoleon Bonaparte's Army of Italy...
Dogs & Their Collars in the Age of Enlightenment
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Dogs & Their Collars in the Age of Enlightenment

In medieval and Renaissance Europe, dogs were considered little more than 'machines' which performed certain tasks, such as guarding a home or tracking game, but this view changed significantly during the Age of Enlightenment (also known...
Desmoulins Making a Call to Arms, 12 July 1789
Image by by Pierre-Gabriel Berthault

Desmoulins Making a Call to Arms, 12 July 1789

Depiction of Camille Desmoulins' call to arms at the Palais-Royal in the days preceding the Storming of the Bastille. By Pierre-Gabriel Berthault (1802)
French Revolution
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

French Revolution

The French Revolution (1789-1799) was a period of major societal and political upheaval in France. It witnessed the collapse of the monarchy, the establishment of the First French Republic, and culminated in the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte...
Reign of Terror
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

Reign of Terror

The Reign of Terror, or simply the Terror (la Terreur), was a climactic period of state-sanctioned violence during the French Revolution (1789-99), which saw the public executions and mass killings of thousands of counter-revolutionary 'suspects'...
War of the First Coalition
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

War of the First Coalition

The War of the First Coalition (1792-1797) was a continent-spanning conflict in which a coalition of European powers, including Austria, Prussia, Great Britain, the Dutch Republic, Spain, and several others, sought to contain and defeat Revolutionary...
Second Continental Congress
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

Second Continental Congress

The Second Continental Congress was the body of delegates that governed the Thirteen Colonies and, later, the United States during the American Revolutionary War. Between its first session in May 1775 and its disbandment in March 1781, the...
Thermidorian Reaction
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

Thermidorian Reaction

The Thermidorian Reaction refers to the period of the French Revolution (1789-1799) between the fall of Maximilien Robespierre on 27-28 July 1794 and the establishment of the French Directory on 2 November 1795. The Thermidorians abandoned...
Revolt of the Parlements
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

Revolt of the Parlements

The Revolt of the Parlements of 1787-1788, was the climax of a power struggle between the royal authority of King Louis XVI of France (r. 1774-1792) and the Parlement of Paris, the most powerful of France's thirteen parlements, or high judicial...