Search Results: Lancaster Bomber


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Edward IV of England
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Edward IV of England

Edward IV of England ruled as king from 1461 to 1470 CE and again from 1471 to 1483 CE. The Hundred Years' War (1337-1453 CE) had been lost by Edward's predecessor, Henry VI of England (1422-1461 CE & 1470-1471 CE), leaving Calais as...
A Brief History of the Rose
Article by Sheena Harvey

A Brief History of the Rose

The rose that grows in many different forms in gardens all over the world today is an evolution of rose-like plants that lived in the northern hemisphere between 33 million and 23 million years ago. Traces of them have been found in the fossil...
Thomas Malory
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Thomas Malory

Sir Thomas Malory (c. 1415-1471 CE) was an English knight during the War of the Roses (1455-1487 CE) best known for his highly influential work of medieval literature, Le Morte D'Arthur regarded as the first novel in English, the first in...
Henry VI of England
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Henry VI of England

Henry VI of England ruled as king from 1422 to 1461 CE and again from 1470 to 1471 CE. Succeeding his father Henry V of England (r. 1413-1422 CE), Henry VI was crowned the king of France in 1431 CE but he could not prevent a French revival...
Dowding System
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Dowding System

Britain's integrated air defence system in the Second World War (1939-45), known as the Dowding System after the air chief marshal of that name, included code-breakers, radar stations, observers, searchlights, barrage balloons, anti-aircraft...
John of Gaunt
Image by N.Português

John of Gaunt

A posthumous painting of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster (1340 - 1399 CE). John of Gaunt founded the House of Lancaster, and was a close friend of the English poet Geoffrey Chaucer (1343 - 1400 CE). Originally erroneously attributed to...
The Plantagenets
Collection by Mark Cartwright

The Plantagenets

The Plantagenets, sometimes referred to as the Angevin-Plantagenets, were the ruling dynasty of England from 1154 to 1485 CE. The name Angevin derives from the family's ancestral lands in Anjou, France and the term Plantagenet (perhaps) from...
Causes of the Wars of the Roses
Article by Mark Cartwright

Causes of the Wars of the Roses

The Wars of the Roses (1455-1487 CE) was a series of dynastic conflicts between the monarchy and the nobility of England. The 'wars' were a series of intermittent, often small-scale battles, executions, murders, and failed plots as the political...
Vickers Wellington Mk II
Image by UK Government Photographer

Vickers Wellington Mk II

A c. 1942 photograph of a Vickers Wellington Mk II heavy bomber, used by the Royal Air Force in the Second World War (1939-45).
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Weetamoo (l. c. 1635-1676, also known as Namumpum, Tatapuanunum, Wattimore, Weetthao) was a female chief of the Pocasset Wampanoag tribe as well as a War Chief in King Philip's War (1675-1678), during which she established herself as a great...