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Ancient Egyptian Medical Texts
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Egyptian Medical Texts

Medicine in ancient Egypt was understood as a combination of practical technique and magical incantation and ritual. Although physical injury was usually addressed pragmatically through bandages, splints, and salves, even the broken bones...
The Meaning of European Upper Paleolithic Rock Art
Article by Cristian Violatti

The Meaning of European Upper Paleolithic Rock Art

Rock art (also known as parietal art) is an umbrella term which refers to several types of creations including finger markings left on soft surfaces, bas-relief sculptures, engraved figures and symbols, and paintings onto a rock surface...
Ihara Saikaku
Definition by Graham Squires

Ihara Saikaku

Ihara Saikaku (1642-1693) was a Japanese poet and novelist who played a leading role in creating the so-called ‘floating world’ (ukiyo-zoshi) genre of popular literature in the 17th century. His work was significant because, in terms of both...
Section of the Sweet Track
Image by © Trustees of the British Museum - Republished under the British Museum Standard Terms of Use for non-profit educational purposes.

Section of the Sweet Track

Section of the "Sweet Track" walkway now in the British Museum. From England - 3807/3806 BCE
Powhatan Confederacy
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Powhatan Confederacy

The Powhatan Confederacy (c. 1570-1646 or 1677) was a political, social, and martial entity of over 30 Algonquian-speaking Native American tribes of the region of modern-day Virginia, Maryland, and part of North Carolina, USA formed under...
Boxing in the Roman Empire
Article by Matthew Vivonia

Boxing in the Roman Empire

Boxing is one of the oldest sports in the world that is still practiced today. Included in the original athletic contests of the Olympic Games, pugilism or boxing was well known and loved by the ancient Greeks and Romans. The style used in...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Chunkey (tchung-kee) is a Native American game involving a rolling disc (or ring) and two teams of players who score by throwing their sticks to land as close to the disc as possible. The game is thought to have originated at Cahokia c. 600...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


The world's longest river, located in Egypt, the Nile flows 4,132 miles (6,650 kilometres) northward to the Mediterranean Sea (a very unusual direction for a river to take). It was considered the source of life by the ancient Egyptians and...
Homo Naledi
Definition by Emma Groeneveld

Homo Naledi

Homo naledi is an extinct species of human discovered in Rising Star Cave in South Africa in 2013 CE in what has become the biggest single-species hominin find in Africa to this day, which is moreover set to cause a bit of an avalanche within...
Egyptian Medicine
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Egyptian Medicine

Medical practice in ancient Egypt was so advanced that many of their observations, policies, and commonplace procedures would not be surpassed in the west for centuries after the fall of Rome and their practices would inform both Greek and...