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The Delian League, Part 5: The Peace of Nicias, Quadruple Alliance, and Sicilian Expedition (421/0-413/2 BCE)
Article by Christopher Planeaux

The Delian League, Part 5: The Peace of Nicias, Quadruple Alliance, and Sicilian Expedition (421/0-413/2 BCE)

This text is part of an article series on the Delian League. The fifth phase of the Delian League begins with the Peace of Nicias – a settlement that settled nothing – and ends with the start of the Decelean War (also referred to as the...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


Solon (c. 640 – c. 560 BCE) was an Athenian statesman, lawmaker, and poet, who is credited with restructuring the social and political organisation of Athens and thereby laying the foundations for Athenian democracy. Such were his accomplishments...
Magna Graecia
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Magna Graecia

Magna Graecia (Megalē Hellas) refers to the coastal areas of southern Italy which were colonized by various ancient Greek city-states from the 8th to 5th centuries BCE. Sicily, although also a region of Greek colonization, is not usually...
Ancient Democracy: What is Democracy and Where Did it Start?
Video by Kelly Macquire

Ancient Democracy: What is Democracy and Where Did it Start?

Ancient democracy was invented at the beginning of the 5th century BCE at almost the same time in both Athens and Rome. The word democracy comes from the Greek word demokratia with demos meaning the people and kratos meaning power or rule...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


Sparta was one of the most important city-states in ancient Greece and was famous for its military prowess. The professional and well-trained Spartan hoplites with their distinctive red cloaks and long hair were probably the best and most...
Ancient Greek Clothing
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Greek Clothing

Ancient Greek clothing developed from the Minoan Civilization of Crete (2000-1450 BCE) through the Mycenean Civilization (1700-1100 BCE), Archaic Period (8th century to c. 480 BCE) and is most recognizable from the Classical Period (c. 480-323...
A Visual Glossary of Greek Pottery
Article by Mark Cartwright

A Visual Glossary of Greek Pottery

Alabastron (pl. alabastra) - a small jar for storing perfumes, named after the material (alabaster) the first examples were made from. They were often carried by a string looped around the neck of the vessel. Amphora (pl. amphorae...
Greek Mathematics
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Greek Mathematics

Greek mathematics, the study of numbers and their properties, patterns, structure, space, apparent change, and measurement, is said to have originated with Thales of Miletus (l. c. 585 BCE) but was clearly understood during the periods of...
The Greek City-states c. 500 BCE
Image by Simeon Netchev

The Greek City-states c. 500 BCE

A map illustrating the city-states of Classical Greece around 500 BCE and depicting the expansion of Hellenic influence along the coasts of the Mediterranean and Black sea and the formation and scope of the Delian League, under Athenian hegemony...
Greek Theatre Architecture
Article by Mark Cartwright

Greek Theatre Architecture

The ancient Greeks built open-air theatres where the public could watch the performances of Greek comedy, tragedy, and satyr plays. They then exported the idea to their colonies throughout the Aegean so that theatres became a typical feature...