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Battle of Cannae
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Battle of Cannae

The Battle of Cannae (2 August 216 BCE) was the decisive victory of the Carthaginian army over Roman forces at Cannae, southeast Italy, during the Second Punic War (218-202 BCE). The Carthaginian general Hannibal Barca (l. 247-183 BCE), who...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus (c. 69 – c. 130/140 CE), better known simply as Suetonius, was a Roman writer whose most famous work is his biographies of the first 12 Caesars. With a position close to the imperial court he was able to access...
Definition by Rebecca Denova


A martyr is someone who voluntarily dies for either a religious or secular cause. The word originates from "witness" in Greek and is related to a witness in court testifying to one's beliefs or truth, despite the risk involved. As such, it...
Definition by Donald L. Wasson


The ancient city of Aquileia was situated near the head of the Adriatic Sea west of the Roman province of Illyria. The strategic location of the city served a crucial role in the expansion of the Roman Republic by serving as a buffer against...
Juba II & Cleopatra Selene II
Image by Roma Numismatics, Ltd

Juba II & Cleopatra Selene II

Coin of Juba II (r. 29 BCE - 23 CE) and Cleopatra Selene II (c. 40 BCE - 5 BCE). Obverse: Diademed Juba II with the legend "Rex Iuba" (Latin, "King Juba"). Reverse: Draped and diademed Cleopatra Selene II with legend "Basilissa Kleopatra"...
Ancient Roman Society
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Roman Society

Rome began as a small city on the banks of the Tiber River in Italy. The Latin tribes (also known as the Latini or Latians) inhabited the region c. 1000 BCE but the founding of the city is dated to 753 BCE. The family was the center and foundation...
Fall of the Western Roman Empire
Article by Donald L. Wasson

Fall of the Western Roman Empire

To many historians, the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century CE has always been viewed as the end of the ancient world and the onset of the Middle Ages, often improperly called the Dark Ages, despite Petrarch's assertion. Since...
Rome's Response to the Spread of Christianity
Article by Rebecca Denova

Rome's Response to the Spread of Christianity

During the 1st century CE, a sect of Jews in Jerusalem claimed that their teacher, Jesus of Nazareth, was the 'messiah' of Israel. 'Messiah' meant 'anointed one', or someone chosen by the God of Israel to lead when God would intervene in...
Ara Pacis Augustae
Article by Mark Cartwright

Ara Pacis Augustae

The Ara Pacis Augustae or Altar of the Augustan Peace in Rome was built to celebrate the return of Augustus in 13 BCE from his campaigns in Spain and Gaul. The marble structure, which once stood on the Campus Martius, is a masterpiece of...
Ten Ancient Rome Facts You Need to Know
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Ten Ancient Rome Facts You Need to Know

Ancient Roman culture affected vast numbers of people across the known world of its time, beginning with the rise of the Roman Republic (509-27 BCE) and throughout the duration of the Roman Empire (27 BCE - c. 476 CE in the West and 1453...