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Iron Thorax Armour from Epirus
Image by Antonios Gavriilidis

Iron Thorax Armour from Epirus

Iron anatomical thorax with golden buckles found in Cist grave 1 in Prodromi, Thesprotia, Epirus, Greece. The grave is dated to between the end of the 4th century BCE and the beginning of the 3rd century BCE. (Archaeological Museum of Igoumenitsa...
Gaya Iron Helmet
Image by Pressapochista

Gaya Iron Helmet

An iron helmet from the Gaya confederacy (42-532 CE), Korea. 5th-6th century CE. (National Museum of Korea, Seoul, South Korea)
Iron Core of Linothorax with Golden Buckles
Image by Antonios Gavriilidis

Iron Core of Linothorax with Golden Buckles

Iron core of linothorax with golden buckles found in Macedonian Tomb II of Vergina, Imathia, Central Macedonia, Greece. The tomb is dated to between the end of the 4th century BCE and the beginning of the 3rd century BCE. Located at Archaeological...
Iron Corslet from Borno
Image by British Museum

Iron Corslet from Borno

An iron corslet from Borno in what is now Fika, Nigeria. The corslet was acquired by the British Museum in 1911, and is currently a part of the museum's collection.
Assyrian Soldiers with Iron Crowbars
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Assyrian Soldiers with Iron Crowbars

Alabaster bas-relief depicting Assyrian soldiers using iron crowbars. Neo-Assyrian Period, 865-860 BCE. Detail of Panel 4 (bottom), Room B, the North-Palace Palace, Nimrud, modern-day Iraq. (The British Museum, London)
Japanese Inlaid Iron Sword (Detail)
Image by James Blake Wiener

Japanese Inlaid Iron Sword (Detail)

A detail of an inlaid iron sword. From Eta Funayama Tumulus, Nagomi-machi, Tamana-gun, Kumamoto, Japan. Kofun Period, 5th-6th century CE. National Treasure. (Tokyo National Museum).
Pirate Clothing in the Golden Age of Piracy
Article by Mark Cartwright

Pirate Clothing in the Golden Age of Piracy

Pirates have gained a reputation for wearing bright and distinctive clothing and accessories during the Golden Age of Piracy (1690-1730) even if, in reality, most of what we think they wore comes from works of fiction like Robert Louis Stevenson’s...
The Gilded Age Estates of Staatsburg, New York
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Gilded Age Estates of Staatsburg, New York

The great estates of the Gilded Age were more than lavish displays of wealth for the American aristocracy c. 1870-1917, they supported the economy of the local communities and encouraged development. As they declined, many of the surrounding...
Treasure & Booty in the Golden Age of Piracy
Article by Mark Cartwright

Treasure & Booty in the Golden Age of Piracy

During the Golden Age of Piracy (1690-1730), pirates were first and foremost after gold, silver, and jewels, but if these could not be grabbed, then a ship’s cargo would be taken for resale at a pirate haven. Shared amongst the crew, the...
Viking Iron Fishing Hooks
Image by James Blake Wiener

Viking Iron Fishing Hooks

The Vikings did not use fishing reels or poles. Instead, they tied hooks to a fishing line made from sheep, cow, or walrus intestines, then pulled the fish up by hand. On a small rowing boat out on the open ocean, this was a very dangerous...