Search Results: Dan jones


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Christopher Jones, Captain of the Mayflower
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Christopher Jones, Captain of the Mayflower

Christopher Jones (l. c. 1570-1622 CE) was the English captain and quarter-owner of the Mayflower, the cargo ship that brought the religious separatists (now known as pilgrims) to the New World in 1620 CE. Little is known of Jones' life prior...
The Wyndclyffe Estate
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Wyndclyffe Estate

There are many fascinating and forlorn ruins throughout New York’s Hudson Valley, and, among them, the tottering remains of what was once considered the grandest home in the area and among the most famous in the country: Wyndclyffe. Between...
Tel Dan Inscription
Image by Dana Murray

Tel Dan Inscription

Erected in the mid ninth-eigth century B.C.E., the Tel Dan Stela includes the Tel Dan Inscription (or "House of David" inscription) thereby providing the first historical evidence of King David from the Bible. The inscription is written in...
Tycho Brahe, the Scandalous Astronomer - Dan Wenkel
Video by TED-Ed

Tycho Brahe, the Scandalous Astronomer - Dan Wenkel

View full lesson: If you think scientists lead boring, monotonous lives, you must not know about Tycho Brahe. The 16th Century CE astronomer who accurately predicted...
A brief history of goths - Dan Adams
Video by TED-Ed

A brief history of goths - Dan Adams

View full lesson: What do fans of atmospheric post-punk music have in common with ancient barbarians? Not much ... so why are both known as “goths”? Is it a weird coincidence...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


The Mayflower is the name of the cargo ship that brought the Puritan separatists (known as pilgrims) to North America in 1620 CE. It was a type of sailing ship known as a carrack with three masts with square-rigged sails on the main and foremast...
The Myth of Gawain and the Green Knight - Dan Kwartler
Video by TED-Ed

The Myth of Gawain and the Green Knight - Dan Kwartler

Dig into the myth of the Green Knight, who comes to King Arthur’s court to challenge the honor and bravery of Camelot’s knights. It was Christmas in Camelot and King Arthur was throwing a party. In the midst of the revelry, a towering...
The Diseases that Changed Humanity Forever - Dan Kwartler
Video by TED-Ed

The Diseases that Changed Humanity Forever - Dan Kwartler

Explore the history of humanity’s deadliest diseases, and find out how our progress and innovation exposed us to new pathogens. – Since humanity’s earliest days, we’ve been plagued by countless disease-causing pathogens. Invisible and...
Mayflower Compact
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Mayflower Compact

The Mayflower Compact is the agreement between the 41 male passengers of the ship Mayflower establishing the form of government of the Plymouth Colony (1620-1691 CE), signed on 11 November 1620 CE off the coast of present-day Massachusetts...
John Alden
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

John Alden

John Alden (l. c. 1598-1687 CE) was a member of the crew of the Mayflower, serving as the ship's cooper (barrel maker), on the historic voyage of 1620 CE which established the Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts, North America. Although he was...