Captain Stede Bonnet was a plantation owner in Barbados who turned to piracy and privateering in 1717. Known as the 'Gentleman Pirate', Bonnet embarked on a life of crime relatively late in life, reportedly in order to escape his nagging wife. He was hanged for his crimes in Charleston, South Carolina in November 1718.
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1689The pirate Stede Bonnet is born in Barbados.
Mar 1717 - Oct 1718The Barbadian pirate Stede Bonnet is active in the Caribbean and off the east coast of North America.
Mar 1718The English pirate Blackbeard (aka Edward Teach) sails to the Bay of Honduras and captures the ship Revenge of fellow pirate Stede Bonnet.
Nov 1718The Barbadian pirate Stede Bonnet is hanged in Charleston, South Carolina.