Robert Guiscard (1015-1085) was a Norman knight best known for conquering much of Southern Italy and Sicily during the 11th century. His many exploits include the expulsion of the Byzantines from Italy, support of a reformist papacy, and laying the foundations for a new Norman Kingdom to emerge in Sicily c. 1130.
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c. 1015 - 1085Life of the Norman knight Robert Guiscard.
18 Jun 1053Battle of Civitate between a Norman coalition and a papal army.
23 Aug 1059Synod of Melfi; Nicholas II formally invests Robert Guiscard as Duke of Apulia, Calabria, and Sicily.
1068The Normans under Robert Guiscard begin the three-year siege of Bari, the Byzantine provincial capital of southern Italy.
1071 - 1072Robert Guiscard besieges Palermo.
1081 - 1082The Normans, led by Robert Guiscard, attack Byzantine Greece.
1084The Sack of Rome by the Normans led by Robert Guiscard, duke of Apulia, during Rome's occupation by German king Henry IV.