

Ostia (or Ostia Antica) lies 15 km from the city of Rome for which it served as the city's principal port and harbour throughout antiquity. The name derives from 'os' or 'ostium' which means 'mouth' and refers to the city's location at the mouth of the river Tiber. Although originally situated at the mouth of the river, because of silting, it is now some 3 km east of the present river mouth although still located on the south bank of the Tiber.

More about: Ostia


  • c. 620 BCE
    Posible founding date for Ostia, the port of Rome.
  • 225 BCE - 150 BCE
    The Temple of Hercules is built at Ostia.
  • c. 14 CE
    The Temple of Rome and Augustus is built at Ostia.
  • c. 42 CE
    Extensive expansion of the Roman port of Ostia is begun with the construction of two giant moles at Portus.
  • c. 64 CE
    The Roman port of Ostia reaches its maximum size becoming a major urban centre.
  • c. 67 CE
    The Roman port of Ostia provides a base for operations against the Cilician pirates.