Ancient Mesopotamian literature developed c. 2600 BCE after scribes, who had formerly been record keepers, began composing original works in the region of Sumer. The Sumerians invented writing c. 3500 BCE, refined the script c. 3200 BCE, and scribes may have begun composing their own works prior to c. 2600 BCE, but this is unclear.
More about: Mesopotamian LiteratureDefinition
2900 BCE - 2334 BCEScribal schools have been established in Sumer.
c. 2600 BCEAncient Mesopotamian literature is first written in Sumer
c. 2600 BCE - c. 2000 BCEInstructions of Shuruppag is written.
c. 2334 BCEAkkadian replaces Sumerian as a living language; scribes begin writing in Akkadian.
c. 2150 BCE - 1400 BCEEarliest versions of Epic of Gilgamesh are written.
2047 BCE - 1750 BCEUr III Period of the Sumerian Renaissance; a rebirth of Sumerian literature and culture.
2029 BCE - 1982 BCEThe Death of Ur-Nammu is written during the reign of Shulgi of Ur.
c. 2000 BCEDebate Between Sheep and Grain is written.
c. 2000 BCEMesopotamian naru literature genre is invented; precursor of modern historical fiction.
c. 1900 BCE - 1600 BCEInanna's Descent is written.
c. 1800 BCEHymn to Ninkasi, Goddess of Beer is written.
c. 1700 BCELudlul-Bel-Nimeqi ("Poem of the Righteous Sufferer") is written; influences the biblical Book of Job.
c. 1307 BCE - 1282 BCEBabylonian version of Ludlul-Bel-Nimeqi is written; greatly expands upon the earlier Sumerian piece.
1307 BCE - 1275 BCEAssyrian literature is written during the reign of Adad Nirari I.
c. 1300 BCE - 1000 BCEBabylonian standard version of The Epic of Gilgamesh is written.
c. 1200 BCEAssyrian Tukulti-Ninurta Epic is written.
722 BCE - 705 BCEAssyrian Epic of Izdubar is written; a revision of the Epic of Gilgamesh.