Following the Yayoi Period of Japan when farming and metalworking techniques were introduced from mainland Asia was the Kofun Period (c. 250 CE - 538 CE) where the religion of Shinto emerges from the beliefs of previous eras and the Yamato Clan rise to power and eventually become the imperial family. The period is named after the style of burial mounds used during this time.
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c. 250 CE - 538 CEThe Kofun Period in ancient Japan.
c. 250 CE - 710 CEThe Yamato Period in ancient Japan, consisting of the Kofun Period and Asuka Period.
366 CEJapan establishes diplomatic relations with Korea.
413 CE - 478 CEJapanese kings send ambassadors and tribute to China.
538 CE - 710 CEThe Asuka Period in ancient Japan.
538 CEAlternative date to 552 CE for the introduction of Buddhism to Japan from Korea.