Hernán Cortés (1485-1547) was a Spanish conquistador who led the conquest of the Aztec Empire in Mexico from 1519. Taking the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan in 1521, Cortés plundered Mesoamerica as he became the first ruler of the new colony of New Spain.
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1485 - 1547Life of the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés.
1485Hernán Cortés is born in Medellin, Extremadura, Spain.
1499Hernán Cortés studies law at the university of Salamanca.
1504Hernán Cortés sails to the New World and settles on Hispaniola.
1511Hernán Cortés participates in the Spanish conquest of Cuba.
1519Veracruz, Mexico is founded by Hernán Cortés.
Mar 1519Hernán Cortés lands on the Tabasco coast of Mexico.
Nov 1519Motecuhzoma II receives Hernán Cortés at the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan.
1520Cuitláhuac is briefly the successor to Motecuhzoma II as leader of the Aztec Empire.
May 1520Hernán Cortés is obliged to leave Tenochtitlan and face a rival force of conquistadors led by Panfilo de Narváez at Veracruz.
30 Jun 1520The bloody retreat of Hernán Cortés from Tenochtitlan known as the Noche Triste ('Sad Night').
30 Jun 1520Death of Aztec ruler Motecuhzoma II.
7 Jul 1520Hernán Cortés defeats a large Aztec army at Otumba.
31 Dec 1520Hernán Cortés captures the city of Texcoco.
1521 - 1525Cuauhtémoc reigns as leader of the Aztec Empire.
1521Texcoco provides ships and men to aide the Spanish siege of Tenochtitlan.
Apr 1521Hernán Cortés begins the siege of Tenochtitlan.
28 Apr 1521Hernán Cortés deploys 13 specially built warships on Lake Texcoco during the siege of Tenochtitlan.
13 Aug 1521The Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan falls into the hands of Spanish forces led by Hernán Cortés.
1522Hernán Cortés leads an expedition against the Huaxtecs in Mexico.
1523 - 1524Hernán Cortés organises an expedition to Honduras led by Cristóbal de Olid.
May 1523Hernán Cortés is appointed the first governor of the colony of New Spain (Mexico).
Oct 1524Hernán Cortés personally leads an expedition to Honduras.
May 1528Hernán Cortés returns to Spain and is honoured by Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor.
1530Hernán Cortés returns to Mexico but finds his position usurped by the new governor.
1531 - 1532Hernán Cortés explores the Pacific coast of North America as far as California.
1541Hernán Cortés campaigns for the Spanish Crown in Algeria.
2 Dec 1547Hernán Cortés dies of dysentery in Castilleja la Vieja in Spain.