Henry III of England ruled from 1216 to 1272 CE. The son of the unpopular King John of England (r. 1199-1216 CE), Henry was immediately faced with the ongoing Barons' War which had been fuelled by discontent over John's rule and his failure to honour the Magna Carta charter of liberties. Henry and his regent Sir William Marshal defeated the rebel barons in battle at Lincoln in 1217 CE, but his reign was beset thereafter with problems. Traditionally viewed as a weak and often ineffectual king, Henry, like his father before him, wasted money on military campaigns without any results, and these necessitated such high taxes that the barons rebelled for a second time. The rebel leader Simon de Montfort (l. c. 1208-1265 CE) captured Henry and made himself the most powerful man in the kingdom in 1264 CE. Fortunately for Henry, his son Edward raised an army and defeated de Montfort at Evesham in 1265 CE. Henry was restored but spent much of his later years away from politics and improving the country's architectural monuments such as Westminster Abbey and Lincoln Cathedral. Following Henry's death from natural causes in 1272 CE, Prince Edward, who had in some respects been his father's regent, became Edward I of England (r. 1272-1307 CE).
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1 Oct 1207Birth of Henry III of England at Winchester Palace.
1215 - 1217First Barons' War between King John of England and rebel barons.
1216 - 1272Reign of Henry III of England.
1216William Marshal is made the Protector of the Kingdom (of England), regent for the young king Henry III of England.
18 Oct 1216Death of King John of England of dysentery.
28 Oct 1216Henry III of England is crowned king in Gloucester Cathedral.
28 Oct 1216Coronation of Henry III of England in Gloucester Cathedral.
20 May 1217William Marshal wins the battle of Lincoln against rebellious English barons and their French ally, the future King Louis VIII.
24 Aug 1217An English fleet destroys a French fleet sent to support Prince Louis' claim to the English throne.
Sep 1217Prince Louis renounces his claim to the English throne.
Dec 1217Alexander II of Scotland pays homage to Henry III of England at Northampton.
14 May 1219Death of the great English knight and Protector of the Kingdom William Marshal.
17 May 1220Henry III of England receives his second coronation, this time in Westminster Abbey.
19 Jun 1221Alexander II of Scotland marries Joan, sister of Henry III of England, in York.
1225The Magna Carta is reaffirmed by Henry III of England.
Jan 1227Henry III of England, aged 20, takes direct control of his kingdom.
20 Jan 1236Henry III of England marries Eleanor of Provence.
25 Sep 1237Henry III of England and Alexander II of Scotland sign the Peace of York.
1251Henry III of England appoints Robert de Ros and John Balliol as guardians of Alexander III of Scotland.
26 Dec 1251Alexander III of Scotland marries Margaret, daughter of Henry III of England, in York.
Jun 1258The Provisions of Oxford gives a council of barons some of the king's powers in England.
1259The Treaty of Paris leaves the English Crown with no lands in France except Gascony.
1262Henry III of England repudiates the Provisions of Oxford.
1264 - 1267Second Barons' War between rebel barons and the king of England.
17 Apr 1264 - 26 Apr 1264Royalists in support of Henry III of England defend Rochester Castle against an unsuccessful rebel siege.
14 May 1264Simon de Montfort imprisons Henry III of England and Prince Edward and declares himself king.
May 1265Prince Edward, future Edward I of England, manages to escape his captors and form a royalist army to try and reinstate his father, Henry III of England.
4 Aug 1265Prince Edward, future Edward I of England, defeats the pretender Simon de Montfort at Evesham.
16 Nov 1272Death of Henry III of England of a stroke.
19 Aug 1274Edward I of England is crowned at Westminster Abbey.
Oct 1278Alexander III of Scotland swears fealty to Henry III of England but only for his estates in England and not for Scotland.