Gaiseric (r. 428-478 CE, also known as Genseric and Geiseric) was the greatest king of the Vandals who remained undefeated from the time he took the throne until his death. He was probably born in 389 CE near Lake Balaton (present-day Hungary), though this is uncertain.
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c. 389 CEGaiseric born near Lake Balaton (modern-day Hungary).
406 CE - c. 420 CEVandals cross the Rhine and invade Gaul, migrate to Spain.
428 CEGaiseric becomes King of the Vandals.
428 CE - 478 CEReign of Gaiseric as king of the Vandals.
429 CEGaiseric leads the Vandals from Spain to North Africa.
439 CEGaiseric captures Carthage and controls Mediterranean Sea.
442 CETreaty between Gaiseric of the Vandals and Valentinian III of Rome recognizing the Vandal Kingdom of North Africa.
455 CEAssassination of Valentinian III; Gaiseric sacks Rome.
461 CEGaiseric defeats the Romans in pre-emptive strike.
468 CEThe Battle of Cape Bon; Gaiseric defeats the Romans.
469 CE - 475 CEThe Vandals under Gaiseric harass the Roman Empire.
475 CEEmperor Zeno signs treaty with Gaiseric ending hostilities; Gaiseric's kingdom is secure.
478 CEDeath of Gaiseric at Carthage.