Edward II of England reigned as king from 1307 to 1327 CE. Succeeding his father Edward I of England (r. 1272-1307 CE), his reign saw a disastrous defeat to the Scots at Bannockburn in June 1314 CE, and the king's lack of political and military talents as well as his excessive patronage of friends resulted in his kingdom descending into anarchy. Forced to abdicate by his wife Isabella of France and her lover Roger Mortimer, Edward II was imprisoned and then murdered in Berkeley Castle in September 1327 CE. Edward was succeeded by his young son who became Edward III of England (r. 1327-1377 CE).
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25 Apr 1284Edward II of England is born in Caernarfon Castle in Wales.
1301Prince Edward, son of Edward I of England, is formally awarded the title of Prince of Wales.
1307 - 1327Reign of Edward II of England.
7 Jul 1307Death of Edward I of England from dysentery.
25 Jan 1308Edward II of England marries Isabella of France.
25 Feb 1308Edward II of England is crowned in Westminster Abbey.
Sep 1311Parliament appoints 21 Ordainers to limit the power of Edward II of England.
Jun 1312Piers Gaveston, friend and likely lover of Edward II of England, is executed by Thomas, Earl of Lancaster.
13 Nov 1312Prince Edward, future Edward III of England, is born.
23 Jun 1314 - 24 Jun 1314Robert the Bruce defeats Edward II of England at the Battle of Bannockburn, effectively re-establishing Scottish independence. Stirling Castle is regained.
1319Robert the Bruce makes raids on northern England and almost captures York.
Mar 1322English Royalists defeat a rebel army at the Battle of Boroughbridge in Yorkshire. Thomas, Earl of Lancaster is executed.
1323A 13-year truce is agreed between England and Scotland.
Aug 1324Roger Mortimer, rival to Edward II of England, escapes from the Tower of London using a rope ladder.
Sep 1326 - Oct 1326An army of mercenaries is sent by Isabella, wife of Edward II of England, to depose the king and lands at Orwell in Suffolk.
24 Jan 1327Edward II of England is obliged to abdicate by his wife Isabella of France and her lover Roger Mortimer.
1 Feb 1327Edward III of England is crowned in Westminster Abbey.
21 Sep 1327Edward II of England is murdered at Berkeley Castle.
12 Jun 1328David Bruce, future David II of Scotland, marries Joan, daughter of Edward II of England.