Bardr mac Imair (c. 873-881 CE, also known as Barid mac Imair, Barith, Baraid) was a Viking king of Dublin, son of the Viking king Imair (Imar, Ivan) who founded the Ui Imair Dynasty in Ireland. Bardr became king in Dublin after Imair's death. He engaged in military campaigns against the Irish monasteries and other religious institutions and is best known for his raids on various communities for plunder which was brought back to Dublin. He is known as a Viking sea-king based on his 873 CE raid on the Kingdom of Munster.
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c. 863Bardr mac Imair probably accompanies his father and uncles on raid of the tombs of the Boyne Valley, Ireland.
867Bardr mac Imair escapes ambush by the men of Connacht.
869Bardr mac Imair probably a member of Viking raiding party on Armagh with his father and uncle.
c. 873 - 881Reign of the Viking Sea-King Bardr mac Imair in Dublin, Ireland.
873Bardr mac Imair succeeds his father Imair as King of Dublin.
873Bardr mac Imair leads a Viking fleet to plunder the tombs of Munster, Ireland. .
879Bardr mac Imair sacks Armagh.
881Bardr mac Imair dies after sacking the oratory of Saint Cianan; his death is interpreted as an act of God.
881Bardr mac Imair is succeeded by an unnamed king and then by his brother Sichfrith mac Imair who continues his policies.