Attila the Hun


Attila the Hun (r. 434-453 CE) was the leader of the ancient nomadic people known as the Huns and ruler of the Hunnic Empire, which he established. His name means "Little Father" and, according to some historians, may not have been his birth name but "a term of affection and respect conferred on his accession" (Man, 159). This name was synonymous with terror among his enemies and the general populace of the territories that his armies swept through.

More about: Attila the Hun


  • 433 CE
    Death of Rugila, King of the Huns, who is succeeded by Attila and his brother Bleda.
  • 434 CE - 453 CE
    Reign of Attila the Hun.
  • 439 CE
    Attila and Bleda broker the Treaty of Margus with the Romans.
  • 441 CE - 442 CE
    Attila and Bleda invade the Eastern Roman Empire, breaking the Treaty of Margus.
  • 445 CE
    Bleda is assassinated and Attila becomes sole ruler of the Huns.
  • 446 CE - 447 CE
    Attila's invasion of the Balkans.
  • 451 CE
    Attila's invasion of Gaul.
  • 451 CE
    Battle of the Cataluanian Plains (also known as the Battle of Chalons)where Attila's invasion is halted.
  • 452 CE
    Attila's invasion of Italy.
  • 453 CE
    Death of Attila the Hun.
  • 469 CE
    Attila's empire falls apart after the inept rule by his sons.