Ancient Persian culture flourished between the reign of Cyrus II (The Great, r. c. 550-530 BCE), founder of the Achaemenid Persian Empire, and the fall of the Sassanian Empire in 651 CE. Even so, the foundations of Persian culture were already set prior to the 3rd millennium BCE.
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c. 1500 BCE - c. 1000 BCEZoroaster develops his new vision of religious truth which becomes Zoroastrianism.
c. 550 BCE - 651 CEAncient Persian culture flourishes under the Achaemenid, Parthian, and Sassanian empires.
c. 550 BCE - 530 BCEUnder the reign of Cyrus II The Great the qanat system of irrigation is introduced on a large scale as well as the yakhchal refrigeration system.
522 BCE - 486 BCEDuring the reign of Darius I the Great, roads are built, canal constructed in Egypt, postal system originates.
486 BCE - 465 BCEReign of Xerxes I; massive building projects such as Persepolis completed and others begun.
247 BCE - 224 CEParthian Empire continues and modifies aspects of the Persian culture.
224 CE - 651 CEAncient Persian culture reaches its height during the Sassanian Period.
651 CESassanian Empire falls to the invading Arab Muslims; Persian culture spreads with Arab armies to other regions.